[@liferusher][@Azereiah] [center][color=fff79a]"... Are you perhaps lost? This doesn't really seem like the place for you to be I think."[/color][/center] [center]Outside[/center][hr] [color=lightblue][i]"Where ever you are is the right place."[/i][/color] Avarius politely corrects Emi. [color=lightblue][i]"We can not always control our path in this life and must learn to accept where we land. You have landed here so stay and see what you can learn."[/i][/color] Despite already looking to Luke when talking to Emi poorly hidden behind him it was clear Avarius was addressing Luke at the end. [color=lightblue][i]"Alright, well my teaching is done for the day, I will be joining you as the pupils while Vallen leads us in the early phases of what will eventually lead to combat training."[/i][/color] Avarius smiles as he takes his place beside Brunhilde. Vallen, he who had seemed a stone statue of a sitting monk since meeting, smoothly came to stand before the class. Having been given and selflessly demanding the students attention Vallen brings himself closer to the class. Continuing his silence he locates them about six feet apart from each other and ten foot away from himself with a series of firm finger pointing. After a lengthy deep respectful bow he finally parts his lips and speaks in a deep stern, almost dreamy voice. It was a dirty move, one taking advantage of the situation at hand. Vallen raises his hand to silent and still Emi as he talks to Brunhilde. His voice as casual as ever. [color=brown][i]"Brunhilde, enjoy your break? Here at the academy, while we are a school, we consider ourself above and more free from the standard structure they impose. For example punishment and reward. Free from restraints, how would you discipline tardiness and reward attentiveness in your class?[/i][/color]