[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Clementine Morgan[/color] & [color=4169E1]Darren Russell[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://i.giphy.com/WhhTvLgdrsUH6.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b]Main Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other[hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Lady Amalthea][/center][hr][hr] Darren had bid farewell to Imogen and couldn't help but smile to himself, he really liked her so far. He'd be interested in speaking with her again. Letting himself be guided by the piece of paper and names, Darren looked up to spy his next date and his jaw almost dropped. She was definitely a looker but she had this rough "don't mess with me or I'll cut you with words" kind of look to her. He wasn't sure if he was just being judgemental but he usually had a good sense for these things as he liked to try and avoid people like that. Perhaps he should just go and talk to her before passing his first impression already. Clementine held onto the table as her previous date left. Seeing him bolt for the door she perked a brow and then chuckled to herself. Was it something she said? Oh well, maybe she saved the rest of the girls from having to hook up with a guy that would rather play video games than get his bowchicawahwah on. Shrugging to herself she looked over as her new date arrived and smiled slightly. [color=a187be][i]"One word about video games and I am flipping the table on this guy,"[/i][/color] she thought to herself. Shaking his head, Darren walked forward and held his hand out to Clementine to shake it in greeting before taking his seat. Clementine took his hand and shook it gently before leaning back in her seat and getting comfortable. [color=4169E1]"Hey there, I'm Darren as you may already know. Lovely to meet you. Would you like to start or shall I?"[/color] He kept a bright and charming smile on his face as he got himself comfortable in his chair. [color=a187be]"Please do, most have been leaving me to do all the talking. Be a nice change,"[/color] she said with a smirk on her lips before taking a long sip of her wine. After that last date and the fact it hadn't been spilt, which was a miracle, she needed it. Chuckling Darren shook his head and smiled. [color=4169E1]"They must all be playing up to the sage old advice of "ladies first" most likely."[/color] Darren flagged a waiter down and asked for another glass of red wine. He was a little sad that they weren't larger glasses but that was probably a good thing right now, all things considered. Sipping from the freshly poured glass, Darren placed it down gently and smiled to Clementine. [color=4169E1]"Apologies, wanted to wet my whistle before talking. Nothing worse than cotton mouth on a date. Well where to start..."[/color] Darren scrunched up his face a little as he considered what to launch into first. Probably best just covering the basics. [color=4169E1]"Well I'm from Washington state, small but beautiful place called Poulsbo. I'm a physical therapist and fitness instructor with an education in dietetics. Figured I'd include that one to show I'm a smart, healthy, active kind of guy. Girls like that, right?"[/color] He raised an eyebrow and laughed a little at his poor attempt at humour. God he was probably embarassing himself, why did he feel like he was embarrassing himself with this woman? [color=a187be]"So you're a wannabe jock with less of an education than most high school gym teachers? Yeah, great way to start. Very impressive indeed,"[/color] she chuckled as she placed her glass on the table and threaded her fingers together as she leaned forward. [color=a187be]"Now, did you go for this job because A) Your a perv that likes touching people who can't fight back? B) Like putting people down who are already struggling with body issues? or C) my personal favorite just want an excuse to force spinach smoothies down peoples throats?"[/color] She might have been harsh in her critique of his chosen profession but the odd thing was that there was no malice or judgement in her voice. It was perfectly neutral and sounded like she was genuinely interested. Smirking, Darren sat back in his chair and considered her words before answering. [color=4169E1]"You could say that, yeah. I'm not dumb but I know where my strengths lie and that is definitely in the physical realms. I can mentally function and that's good enough for me. I love my job."[/color] He grabbed his glass of wine and took a mouthful before setting the glass back down gently. [color=4169E1]"Can this be multiple choice? I mean, I am a pervert but perhaps just not in the way you are suggesting but I get where you got that from. I have dealt with some right pieces of work in this industry, let me tell you. One guy spent more time carressing his clients asses than he did training them. The other one is that spinach smoothies can be delicious! You just have to... season them... like a soup. Okay, maybe they are disgusting. Nevermind that one then. I'll pick A with a twist. Enough about me though, it's your turn. That is unless you want to tear me apart some and hope that I start to cry sometime soon for your amusement?"[/color] He shrugged his broad shoulders and gave a playful smile with his last words. Clementine couldn't help but to crack a bit of a smile. That was not the answer she was expecting. She was half expecting an eye roll and silence or for it to go the other way where he went of on a rant as if he had been completely serious and not just poking the bear to gauge his reaction like she did everyone. This was a pleasant surprise and by the end of his little speech she was chuckling a bit as she ran her finger over the rim of her wine glass. Apparently his words had struck a chord with this woman and she seemed to relax some which was nice to see. Darren physically felt his shoulders loosening as she seemed to be less serious than he had originally assumed she might be. This was nice. [color=a187be]"Oh darlin', I'll save the crying for my amusement until at least the third date,"[/color] she said before taking a slow sip of her wine as she watched him over the rim. Setting it down on the table she stretched a bit before lacing her fingers together as she did much of the time on her show and leaned forward. [color=a187be]"Oh well as far as I am concerned. I grew up in the deep south, right in the middle of Squeal Like A Pig Central. Father is a Senator, real douche. So I have daddy issues but I didn't realize it until well after I was brained washed by the cult of the South. I mean the Southern Baptist Conservative Church. I drank a lot of koolaid. After I broke free I found myself huddled in a book at Yale, got my Law degree. First case landed me a husband and a show on Comedy Central, dropped the husband when he became a placenta eating Scientologist, but we are still friends, despite our differences in diet. And now I am here wondering when you are going to ask me to show you my lunge so you can correct my form and grab my ass."[/color] Shrugging slightly she raised her palms up a bit before leaning back in her chair once again with a slight smile on her lips. Well that was something you didn't hear much from a woman. She was very open, honest and blunt with her views and history and that was really refreshing. Darren had been so used to dealing with women who hid everything and made themselves look to be more or less than they really were and here this gorgeous specimen was being the exact and complete opposite of that stereotype. Women in the dating pool always seemed to hide their problems but here she was making fun of it and accepting it as part of who she is rather than making it seem like an issue. Darren definitely liked that. Chuckling to himself, his shoulders shaking with each breath of air, Darren smiled and flashed his teeth as he stood up from his chair and bowed to Clementine. [color=4169E1]"I would be honoured if you were to lunge for me, madam. I would be kindly obliged to see if your derriere is as pert as your wit."[/color] He was smirking at her but if she took up his offer then hey! He wasn't going to complain. His hands were held as though he were politely ushering her into the position if she chose to take it. He stopped bowing and looked up to meet her eyes, giving her a quick wink before placing a hand on his chair as though he was pulling it out to sit again. [color=4169E1]"That is a genuine and open offer but it can be kept as an IOU for later if you'd prefer?"[/color] The smirk played on his lips again and he stood for a moment, waiting to see how good of a sense of humour Clementine actually had. Clementine sat up, looking a bit insulted as she downed her glass of wine in one gulp. Glaring at him slightly as she set it down hard on the table as she swallowed. Then the smirked crawled over her lips as she stepped over and placed her hands on her hips. Darren eyed her up and down as she stood and he raised his brow in slight surprise as she actually seemed to be going for the fun part of the joke. [color=a187be]"So, like this?"[/color] she asked and then the bell rang and she laughed brightly as she stood there. [color=a187be]"Seems like your hands on my rear will just have to wait for date number two,"[/color] she said still laughing as she stepped over to him and gave him a little bit of a hug, right before she grabbed his rear end. He hadn't been expecting it and his eyes widened as he felt her fingers grabbing him but all he did was laugh. [color=a187be]"Turn about it how I play,"[/color] she teased before slipping her butt back into her seat. Darren practically fell over laughing at the whole situation and grinned wide as she gave her a smirk in return for the ass grab. [color=4169E1]"Until next time, Clem. I'll be holding you to that date number two offer and I [i]will[/i] be expecting some ass-tion. Consider yourself warned."[/color] It was an awful play on words but it made him chuckle and he waved to Clementine before making his way over to his next date for the evening. That had certainly been interesting and entertaining. [color=a187be]"I look forward to it,"[/color] she chuckled as she leaned back in her seat a bit as she watched him leave. The date had gone better than expected. She had to wonder how date two would go, hopefully as well if not better. Glancing around she waited for her next victim, I mean date.[hr]