[quote=@louie221] Here you are, hope it's ok! [hider=Joseph Ripple][center][h1][color=42c0c4]Joseph Ripple[/color][/h1] [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13000000/aaron-aaron-johnson-13096957-353-480.jpg[/img] [b]{[/b]"[i]There's a drive in me that won't allow me to do certain things that are easy.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]Johnny Depp[/b][hr][hr][/center] [color=42c0c4][b]Name:[/b][/color] Joseph Edward Ripple [color=42c0c4][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Sometimes, since his name is Joseph, people just call him Joe. Most Josaphs do like that, but this one doesn't. He thinks that he should use the full name he was born with. [color=42c0c4][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/color] 5/17/1991 [color=42c0c4][b]Age:[/b][/color] 26 years of age. [color=42c0c4][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=42c0c4][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=42c0c4][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/color] Single [color=42c0c4][b]Sexually Active;[/b][/color] Yes [color=42c0c4][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Joseph is an actor that was recently sued. He lost most of his money, having to resort to an appartment. [color=42c0c4][b]Room Number:[/b][/color] Any room, doesn't really matter. [color=42c0c4][b]In Depth Appearance:[/b][/color] Joseph is slightly taller than the average person, but his hair might count for a bit of that. His reddish brown hair comes off his head a small bit, but would definately add to his height. It's usually pretty curly, but sometimes he'll calm it down a little and do something else with it. His hair also brings out his ocean blue eyes quite nicely, his eyes being one of the first things people tend to notice. He typically wears nicer clothing, vests being one of his favorites. And that's not just for formal events, no. He'll wear them around the house, going shopping, just about anything. For the important events that he goes to, he usually resorts to a normal grey suit or something of the like. When he's feeling particularily lazy, he may throw on a flannel, sweater, or something else comfortable. He refuses to wear shorts, even for movie roles. Instead, he goes for either slim, black or blue jeans. One of his favorite things, however, are hats. Anything odd, no baseball caps. But fedoras and such, they are his favorite thing in the world. He could never go without them. [color=42c0c4][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks;[/b][/color] Habits: Joseph is a nail biter. Yeah, yeah, he knows it's bad for you, but he can't really help it, now. It's become almost a dependance when he's on edge. When he's in a good mood, though, he seems to hum and snap his fingers a lot. He's a very pleasant person, when he's in a good mood. Oddities and Quirks: Joseph has a tendancy to constantly find change in his pockets. He never really knows where it comes from, but it's helped him out of a pickle, so he won't complain. When he stands still, he finds himself rocking side to side. He also has no idea why he does this, but it's calming. Also, when he's working on acting for a character, he likes to live like that character would. If the guy's a crazy person, he'd act much more risky and strange. If he were a nice person, he'd act just like that, nicer than usual. [color=42c0c4][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] Joseph has always been an actor, both on stage, and in movies. While he's never been in anything extrememly big, he's been found in many smaller movies. That being said, you'll even still find him in plays, this time in bigger productions. He's also big into music, always having some earbuds around, whether that be in his pocket of around his neck. He's dabbled in singing. [color=42c0c4][b]Secrets:[/b][/color] He was sent to juvy when he was fifteen. The whole story is unknown, even he has forgotten bits and pieces, but he does remember some. He'd been with some friends, and they decided it'd be fun to drive around one of their parents' cars. Well, needless to say, they didn't know how to drive, and they wound up getting into an accident. He drove it head on into another car, killing the driver. While him and his friends were alright, he shooed his friends away and took the blame for himself. It was his fault, of course, but the other kids probably shouldn't have been with him. He was treated poorly in juvy, but he learned his lesson. There's also the story about him being sued. Rumors say that he beat a man half to death for no reason, must have mental issues or something. But the true story never got out into anybody's minds. In reality, a coworker had him by the neck, trying to steal from him, money or something. Joseph isn't one to just let things like that happen, so he struggled out of his grip and beat the living shit out of him. He's ok, he's not dead or anything. But he'll definately have some perminant scars. He's never done anything like that before, he was afraid for his life. But as I said, nobody actually knows the truth. He's tried to explain, but nobody ever listens. [color=42c0c4][b]Likes:[/b][/color] +Acting +Listening to music +Singing +Whistling +Money +Attention (Though after being sued, he's change a lot. In fact, now he'd rather not be given much attention at all) +Listeners +Coffee +Light rain [color=42c0c4][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] -Jumping to conclusions -Arrogance -Tea -Thunder -Lightening -Complete silence -Drugs (He's tried them, but just can't stand them) [color=42c0c4][b]Fears:[/b][/color] The fear of completely losing his job is very strong. He thinks that he was born for acting, and if it's taken away forever, he may not be able to deal with it. The fact that he's lost many job opportunities due to his recent legal issues only adds to this. He is also afraid of being attacked, both verbally and physically. The way he handled it when it happened has him afraid that he may snap again. All in all, he's afraid of losing himself, who he is. [color=42c0c4][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [b]Easygoing[/b] - Joseph is a generally cool and easygoing person. He's always down to relax, but he also enjoys being active and doing things. People who know him say that he can definately party hard, but he also knows when to calm down and cool it. He's been known for denying any form of drugs at parties though. He's explained to many people that he does not think they enhance fun at all, they just make you feel horrible the day after. Alcohol, on the other hand, is not a problem for him. He can't even explain why it's better than drugs, considering that he's had his fair share of hangovers. [b]Considerate[/b] - Joseph doesn't often do things without thinking about the people around him. If he's going to go partying, he has to have a list of everybody who will be going, checking what he can and can't do. He's very good at holding back parts of himself that may make others feel uncomfortable, being an actor and all. Acting certainly has it's benefits. [b]Quickly Aggrivated[/b] - He gets angry and annoyed very fast. When people start to act stupid, are selfish, or anything in between, he's had enough. He's also not afraid to say so, often asking people to leave if they get out of hand. He frequently tells peoples things like "Alright, alright, settle down now." or "Ok, relax a little, eh?". [b]Awkward[/b] - He's not exactly the most open person, especially when it comes to talking about his career. He has a hard time talking about himself, too, because sometimes he doesn't quite know who he is. He gets lost, mostly because he plays so many characters and sometimes even permenantly takes on a trait of that character. He doesn't really mean to, of course, but it's also a sign that he's good at his job. [color=42c0c4][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Native to New York, New York. [color=42c0c4][b]History:[/b][/color] Ever since he was a little kid, Joseph has always been interested in acting. He was in little kids plays, often taking on a large role, and even was put into some larger productions, playing a kid, obviously. He grew up with parents who significantly supported his plans. Actually, they were failed actors, so the fact that he was getting deals as big as they were was quite exciting for them. Something to give them closure, knowing that somewhere down the road, their family had done it. Just after he'd gotten a big deal, he and his friends got into a bad car accident. They crashed head on into another car, killing the driver. While he did take the blame, he regretted it once he was sent to juvy. He was there for three years, got out a little early for good behavior. He knew that he'd messed up big, and was thankful that it didn't affect his acting as much as it could've. He even kept practicing while he was in juvy, ignoring the other kids who made fun of him. He would use the books to come up with characters to play, and become immersed in them within his cell. When he got out, he set on a mission to take on his dreams again. He fought long and hard for a deal in a smaller movie, eventually getting the part. The movie bombed, but he was paid pretty well. With the money he'd made, he invested in making himself look the part. A year after his first movie, he got another opportunity. This movie, much unlike his first, took off in the theaters. He made tons of money, and his role as a small supporting character landed him bigger roles in the near future. He was never a lead, but he was given some bigger supporting characters. In his latest movie, he was attacked and eventually sued for fighting back. While he doesn't understand how his story was unbelievable, he had his upcoming roles taken away. Nobody wanted to deal with a man who "beat his coworkers". He had most of his money taken away, but still had enough to pay rent. This brought him the idea of staying in an apartment, still in the city, where he could practice and become better. Maybe he'd become so good, people would ignore his past. [color=42c0c4][b]Misc.:[/b][/color] His parents are very clingy, always wanting to know what he's up to next. He's lied the past few times they'd called, saying he's gotten a few roles. Unfortunately, he's gotten none. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg_Eel8atHg]Theme Song[/url] [/hider] [@HushedWhispers] [/quote] Accepted. And I'll put him with Pundii's character. Is that fine? [quote=@Vocab] [@HushedWhispers] I, uh, PMed you my CS, in case you didn't see. But, here it is anyway. [hider=Krystal Fox][center][h1][color=LightCoral]Krystal Fox[/color][/h1] [img]http://cdn.wall-pix.net/albums/people-girls/00028775.girl.with.glasses.jpg[/img] "[i]The Good Guys are just fools with good luck.[/i]" -[b]Krystal[/b][hr][hr] [color=LightCoral][b]Name;[/b][/color] Krystal Serena Fox [color=LightCoral][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] Krys (She doesn't mind this. Its just her name shortened), Kitty (Childhood nickname. Nobody really uses it besides close friends.) [color=LightCoral][b]Date of Birth;[/b][/color] Auguest 12th, 1994 [color=LightCoral][b]Age;[/b][/color] 22 [color=LightCoral][b]Gender;[/b][/color] Female [color=LightCoral][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] Bisexual [color=LightCoral][b]Relationship Status;[/b][/color] Single for the moment. [color=LightCoral][b]Sexually Active;[/b][/color] Not at the moment. [color=LightCoral][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] Krystal currently works at a book store in the area (I dunno New York, I dunno what book shops you guys have XD) [color=LightCoral][b]Room Number;[/b][/color] Room whatever-Kahleen-is-in ^~^ [color=LightCoral][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] Krystal Fox stands at around 5'6", with brownish ginger hair and greyish green eyes. Most always, she wears a pair of wide lens glasses of a considerable power to combat her poor vision. Her body is lithe, svelte, despite her almost lack of exercise, though she tends to shy away from showing it off. You'll usually see her wearing jeans and long sleeve t-shirts, with the occasional short sleeve thrown in for variation - neither of which accentuates her B-cup breasts. Her head is most often than not adorned bluish green, almost turquoise beanie which covers the top of her chest-length hair. [color=LightCoral][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks;[/b][/color] - Krystal often bites her nails, not in anxiety, but just as a thing, which makes painting them an arse. - She has a terrible memory, and often forgets things that are important. - She has a bit of an anxiety disorder, so she can become very nervous at many, many different things. Even being in crowds of 5 or more people can make her feel slightly sick. [color=LightCoral][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] - She absolutely adores writing, and does so in her free time. - She reads books on a regular basis (but only physical books, never electronic). - Any time spent not doing something else will usually be filled up playing whatever video game she fancies (mainly RPGs and open worlds). [color=LightCoral][b]Secrets;[/b][/color] - One thing she hides from pretty much every one is that she has never been in a proper, serious relationship, and that she is still a virgin. - Another is that, as much as she likes to say she had quite a few friends, but they were spread out over several years and that she only had a few close friends at any given time. [color=LightCoral][b]Likes;[/b][/color] Video Games (especially RPGs, free roamers and shooters) Writing Books Cats Rock/dubstep of varying kinds Cola A well thought out story and characters [color=LightCoral][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] E-books Oranges Cheese (except on pizza) Below par writing Poorly developed games Being considered stupid People going on about something despite her telling or asking them to stop [color=LightCoral][b]Fears;[/b][/color] - Krystal has a deep fear/paranoia that her writing isn't and never will be good enough to sell a book, so she is constantly asking for constructive criticism. - She has a strangely deep rooted fear that everyone she knows and cares about will someday leave and she will be left all alone. [color=LightCoral][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [b]Positive Trait[/b] - Krys is a very kind and gentle person. She hates the idea of hurting someone, by accident or otherwise, and attempts to banish the thought whenever it arises. She usually uses video games as a kind of vent for this, as she would never hurt someone in real life. She is also a very hardworking person. If she sets her mind to something in its entirety, she can produce some great work. Whether it be writing, helping a friend, solving a maths problem, if she tries she can usually do it. People often questioned where her amazing grades came from, and always the answer is simply "Hard work and effort." [b]Negative Trait[/b] - Krystal is quite a forgetful person. She often forgets important items, misplaces things on a regular basis, and forgets important dates. Coupled with her anxiety, she can easily become very stressed when she does indeed forget something, especially when attempting to search for a lost item. On another note, Kitty is quite shy. She almost never goes out to social events, and most always only has a close knit group of friends. Peer pressure also makes her extremely nervous, and so she often times simply leaves an interaction when it happens. Because of this, she quite often stays inside and does interact with people, with most of her social life being in online forums. In fact, it's a shock she even agreed to the rule of having to have a room mate, since none of her friends came to New York with her. [color=LightCoral][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] UK, England, Devon, Plymouth. [color=LightCoral][b]History;[/b][/color] Krystal was born into a pleasant, nuclear family with one sister, about 10 years older. Even from a young age, the girl was quite shy, and never really made any more than a few friends, with which she shared a kind of bond to. Most often than not, these friends had quiet similar interests, which made it easy for her to slip in. Her school life was excellent, to say the least. Despite being bullied quite relentlessly in Primary, she always found herself excelling in class and always well off with her friends (most of which being male). From Primary, she was shown to have a sort of talent for English literature, with her specialty focuses around fictional writing. Despite that, though, she always found herself at the top of her class grades wise for every subject. Secondary school wasn't the greatest. None of her friends came with her, and so she found it hard to make new ones. Her grades in certain subjects like maths started to deteriorate, but her marks in English kept steadily increasing. It was around here Krystal decided she wanted to become an author. Skip forward several years, and she got everything she needed. An A* GCSE for English, and an A-level for English as well. She went to University for a while, and eventually (about a couple years before the RP) chose to move to New York. She acquired a drivers license, and got a part time job to make some money. With a loan from her parents, Krys took the leap and left her home. Present day, she heard about an ad from a girl named Myriam for the chance to room in a pleasant apartment complex by the name of "Time Square Apartments". After a bit of reassarch, it sounded perfect, if a little... Nerve-wracking to share an apartment with a stranger. Though, it was better than nothing, even if the revues did say that the owner probably had more than a couple screws loose. [color=LightCoral][b]Misc.;[/b][/color] - Krystal doesn't really have a place she'd like to visit, except maybe Disney World in Orlando, Florida. - She can speak some Mandarin, but not enough to strike up a full conversation with a native Chinese speaker.[/center][/hider] [/quote] OMG! Please forgive me. I thought I responded! She's accepted and you can place her in the character tab.