[center][h2][color=8493ca]Brunhilde[/color][/h2][/center] Brunhilde took Vallen's bow as a cue to do the same. It was the same as it had been in her old martial arts lessons, and that was rather comforting to her. It was a sort of structure that she was very familiar with, and acted as a constant reminder to do exactly as instructed. No more, no less. She stood in the Ready stance as she had been taught in her childhood. [center][color=brown][i]"Brunhilde, enjoy your break? Here at the academy, while we are a school, we consider ourself above and more free from the standard structure they impose. For example punishment and reward. Free from restraints, how would you discipline tardiness and reward attentiveness in your class?[/i][/color][/center] The question came as a bit of a surprise to Brunhilde. She was completely unaware that they had been learning [i]administrative and disciplinary techniques[/i]. She was, of course, aware (judging from the immediately prior conversation) that they were in some sort of class, and she was definitely supposed to be present - and the man six feet away next to her was both her teacher and a fellow student at the same time. Whatever-this-guy's-name-was, standing at the front of the class, reminded her of Master Pete Dyer in how he carried himself. [center][color=8493ca]"I am unqualified to answer questions regarding time or focus, sir. However, were I to find myself to be an instructor, I would require late students to make up a multiple of the lost time, and to inform me when they believed that they were due to leave, rather than me informing them that they are dismissed at the end. They would learn to manage their time better, or risk wasting it. All this within reason of course, sir. I cannot answer on the matter of attentiveness."[/color][/center] The question was somewhat of a landmine. She knew fully well that were she to encounter a student similar to herself under that system, then they would likely end up spending many hours longer than intended together. A student with effectively inexhaustible mental fortitude and no concept of time would be a nightmare as a teacher, and she couldn't very well think of a way around that problem short of using an egg timer with a sticky note on it. And the issue of attentiveness wasn't one that she had ever given thought to - and even if she had, she wouldn't know that she had. Paying attention was the only thing that permitted her to not be completely lost and useless, and she could genuinely not comprehend not doing so at this point. [@Dark Light] [@liferusher] [@Inertia]