[h1][centre]GM Post - Everywhere[/centre][/h1] A buzz sounded again over the intercom as it was booted up and a new voice began to speak. To most of the residents of the facility at that time they would not be able to understand the meaning of what was said. However, to the few Russian speakers who may have missed the earlier message, having the same thing communicated in their language was a great boon. "Hello, I am the translator for those of you who do not speak English as your primary language or do understand it well. I am fluent in several languages but for the purpose of those assembled this time I will be repeating any messages in Russian for all to understand." There was a short silence and then the voice continued. "To those who did not understand the previous message, please make your way to the auditorium as quickly as you can. You'll find it opposite the previously locked door at the end of the main hallway. Once you have arrived we properly explain why you have been brought here." There was a quick rustle and the original announcer spoke again briefly to the whole facility. "Oh, and we understand that some of you may have issues getting to the auditorium without assistance. We have placed some wheelchairs in the hallway outside your rooms to aid those who need them!" The message was repeated quickly by the interpreter in Russian before the intercom buzzed and went silent. [hr] [centre][h1]GM Post - The Pool[/h1][/centre] "Hello hello! This is a special announcement for those in the pool area. You appear to be having some trouble making your way to the auditorium for the first meeting so we're sending you some help. Please be aware that we have sealed off your abilities while our staff our present until we are comfortable you can exercise them safely in the presence of others." The intercom buzzed, this time higher pitched than usual, and then the doorway opened so that half a dozen attendants in bio-hazard suits could enter the room. They had three wheelchairs between them while others carried first aid bags. The six moved efficiently towards the three in the pool and, without any aggression or use of medication moved them to the wheelchairs regardless of whether they needed them or not. Perhaps it was the effect of the bio-hazard suits but it rather lent credence to the warnings of safety to those around them that the announcer had made earlier. "Don't worry, we're just taking you to the auditorium. You'll find out everything soon enough." One of those pushing the wheelchairs said, their voice wheezy through the filtration mask. [hr] [@Vocab][@Gonzo][@sakurasan][@banjoanjo][@HellHoundWoof][@Lillium][@Airalin][@KahleenCuthald][@Thundercrash][@SheriffLlama][@wolverbells][@HecateProxy]