[@ADamnFiddle] [center][h1][color=magenta] Elyse [/color][/h1][/center] [center] Plaza of the Inca Hotel Room 207[/center] Elyse listened to her servant's words on the other side of the bathroom door, pulling on her maid outfit clothes in a timely and efficient manner as she had done since...well, since after her very creation. These "trappings" of her former job, and the very reason she had been created had not yet seemed to be phased out of her wardrobe as of yet. To some extent, it somehow didn't feel right to get rid of them yet, to leave behind the attire she had so donned for all ten years of her existence by this point in time. Some humans in her sort of position would have perhaps burned these sorts of clothes and moved far away, due to them being a reminder of those years of servitude. However, Elyse was of course not a regular human. She was a homunculus. A homunculus who had been made and crafted for one purpose, to care for the father of her creator. Many magi after her freedom had considered her a "construct made by the hands of a magus" who was a "tool" and not a "sentient being", and nothing else really. Such a "construct" could be seen by them as only useful for what it was made for, and nothing else beyond such. Yet some individuals had also in the past treated her as "someone", the primary case of this being the man she had cared for in her role as a maid and caretaker. The man who she had cared for in the role of a servant had treated her not as just a "homunculus", but much more like a "dear and beloved daughter" instead. He had encouraged her to "find new purpose" once he was gone, to "seek your own desires in the wide, open world" as she remembered him saying. He had even freed her after his death with his remaining influence, and as such had allowed the female homunculus to be able to seek her own fate in the world. So why not get rid of her maid clothes, and don new attire as a sign of her freedom? Perhaps, not having achieved her own desires yet in some manner or another, she didn't feel worthy of wearing something different. Yet on the other hand, perhaps she still donned these clothes because they were a reminder of the one person who had cared for her the most, who had given her this chance to use her freedom to pursue her own interest and dreams. Maybe it was both, or something else altogether. For all she knew, she had possibly been designed by her creator to not have a desire to wear anything different. Elyse still at certain moments wrestled at times with what answer out of the many of them seemed to be the most plausible, and what best explained her attachment to this uniform. One thing was certain, however. She was not going to lie down and fade into the night, flounder and die like a fool, or simply return back to her creator and beg to serve him at some point. This chance she had been given, it gave her a chance the other homunculi made before her by her creator never were able to have. A chance to live free and find her own purpose, a purpose not simply destined for her by her creator. A chance to go where she wanted, speak with those she desired to, and to pursue her interests and wants until she died. Were she to die in this war, she would effectively be dying while pursuing her desires and dreams. It would be a death that, for all intents and purposes, she would consider to be a death without any regret due to being "on her own terms" no matter how it went down. Whether in glorious combat or by the hand of an Assassin or other magus, coming here was her decision, a decision made to seek to further her own aspirations. Who could ask for more than to die on their own terms, or in the throes of pursuing what they wanted in this world? Mmm, but such thoughts were not fit for this point in time. It was only the beginning, after all. She had thought a lot about this Grail War before joining, and having summoned her servant she had assuredly committed to this conflict. There was no turning back in her mind, there was only moving forward. She had faith in her servant, a strong hero even if he was a womanizer who flirted with her, and together they would pursue their interests in this conflict. Her, a homunculus seeking her desires, and he, a hero who sought to enter the field of battle to prove his mettle against others (as least from what she had gleaned from Lancer's words and attitude about things, that is). It was perhaps an odd pairing, but perhaps a fitting one at the same time in some respect or another. Only time, and this conflict, would tell. Stepping out of the bathroom, and straightening her skirt one last time after opening the door, Elyse walked out in her full maid outfit, albeit a fresh, clean one. Walking over to her bed with her nightgown hung over her right arm, she set the article of clothing down on the bed before looking to her servant. [color=magenta]"Your words remind me a bit of someone i used to know, Lancer,"[/color] Elyse noted, a wistful and reminiscent look coming onto her face as she spoke for a moment, [color=magenta]"Someone else who had seen and done many things in his long life, who had fought many an enemy and had similar opinions about not hating his own enemies. The one i speak of is man i used to serve, actually."[/color] Giving a light sigh at her moment of nostalgia before ending it, the female homunculus looked at the door of her room, before looking down at herself making sure she had her phone, silver pendant, and some cash on hand to buy thing while they were out if so needed. Making a familiar to scout out this event would be something she'd expect other magi to do, even herself if she had the time, but Lancer had a point in his earlier words as well. Being too conservative would get them nowhere at all. If she had such faith in her servant's abilities she should have faith that he would be able to protect her from harm, right? [color=magenta]"This aside, i can't say i have found many boys that have found it in them who want to come after me. A few on the past even told me that a 'construct' such as myself should just 'return to whoever made me' really. Even so, it is good to know that someone appreciates my appearance, hmm?"[/color] the homunculus added, giving a light wink and trying to playfully flirt back for a moment before glancing over at the door to her room and then back to her servant in a calmer manner, [color=magenta]"You're also right in that we don't need to be too conservative in all of this. As such we will be heading to the event early, to see if anyone else has arrived early and see if we can get a feel for the event as a whole as other masters and servant arrive at it. Perhaps we will even learn some of the names of the other servants who go there, and with that maybe with that we can even find our first target among those assembled at the meeting."[/color] With that, Elyse began to make her way towards the door. It was time to go see who her competition was...and perhaps get some free food and drink out of the event as well. Perhaps some local specialties or other imported foods would be there. An added bonus to what they could possibly gain from coming to the event at any rate. [Going to: Plaza San Francisco, Just Outside The Bounded Field-Covered Building]