[color=#2EFE9A][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjE4YzM3OC5USFZyWlEsLC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img][/center][/color] [@Dark Light][@Azereiah][@liferusher] [hr] Looking all around the class, Luke noted the unique gardening. It was eyecatching to say the least, while admiring the exotic trees some voices entered the room. For some odd, unexplained reason, Luke instinctively hid; [center][color=brown][i]"Brunhilde, enjoy your break? Here at the academy, while we are a school, we consider ourself above and more free from the standard structure they impose. For example punishment and reward. Free from restraints, how would you discipline tardiness and reward attentiveness in your class?"[/i][/color][/center] [center][color=8493ca]"I am unqualified to answer questions regarding time or focus, sir. However, were I to find myself to be an instructor, I would require late students to make up a multiple of the lost time, and to inform me when they believed that they were due to leave, rather than me informing them that they are dismissed at the end. They would learn to manage their time better, or risk wasting it. All this within reason of course, sir. I cannot answer on the matter of attentiveness."[/color][/center] Confusion rested on Luke's face, he had heard some rumours about Air users, something about being hippies but he took no heed. Luke had absolute no context about their conversation so he had no idea what to do. Although, he actually caught himself hiding. He popped up, similar to the whack-a-mole game's you find in an arcade, with his hands up, he spoke up in a low voice; [color=#2EFE9A]"... Uhh hello!"[/color] he greeted rather nonchalantly, with hints of nervousness and uncertainty laced in his voice, [color=#2EFE9A]"I seem to have gotten lost in this maze of a school... Where exactly am I and... what day and year is it?"[/color]