[@Zelosse] [centre] As expected, the fat man kept charging forward, looks like it would be a clash of powers. But what Vlad did not expect was him opening up as he was about to hit him. [i][color=a0410d]"Is he .."[/color][/i] Vlad thought baffled [color=a0410d][i]".. Going to endure my hit?"[/i][/color]. This enraged Vlad. The fat man wasn't taking him seriously enough, [color=a0410d][i]"I'll [b]show[/b] you!"[/i][/color] and with that he pushed his stretched back fist forward, engulfed in fire which started to spin rapidly around his fist and whole arm while dashing forward. [i][color=a0410d]"It connected!" [/color][/i] At first, the strike seemed to have effect as he could see his face being pained and him losing his balance. But to his shock, the fat man took a powerful step backwards, stabilizing his balance again and blocking Vlad's momentum. [b][color=a0410d]"...what?"[/color][/b] Vlad uttered before he heard a roar and the man's huge hands suddenly grabbing him by the shoulders and easily lifting him. [i][color=a0410d]"Not the ground, not the ground, not the ground!"[/color][/i] Vlad thought in panic, but the man threw him into the river instead. For a second Vlad was relieved, but the force with which the man threw him, which was incredibly powerful resulted in him hitting the ground on the bottom of the river, which wasn't that deep, but the water greatly broke off his velocity resulting in a not so painful impact. Hitting his back on the ground tough made him open his mouth and lose his breath. But he quickly recovered and swam up. With a deep breath, he surfaced the river and saw the fat man standing on the edge of the river, smiling. [i][color=a0410d]"Smiling? SMILING????"[/color][/i]. The water around him started to steam, and bubbles formed around him. But then instead of doing the typical shoot fireballs or swim outside to fight again, Vlad's head disappeared into the water after taking a deep breath. [i][color=a0410d]"Fighting him head on is futile, he's too strong.. I need a plan"[/color][/i] he thought while slowly swimming away underwater. Suddenly, the memory of today's lesson shot inside his head. The one where he managed to explode his dowel and mister K ( [@Sif] ) talking about how he could turn that into a weapon. With a smirk this time he resurfaced again and quickly swam toward the ground. He managed to make some distance between him and the fatman and quickly scanned the area for something he could throw at him. He found a lot of branches and small rocks. [i][color=a0410d]"Perfect!" [/color][/i] And took the biggest branch and a few smaller rocks. The branch was about as long as a baseball bat and about the same thickness. Holding it like a weapon, giving the impression he was going to use it as a bat, Vlad walked toward the fat man. with his face determined and serious, he slowly focused his energy into the branch, just like back then with the first dowel. [color=a0410d][i]"Focus on the energy inside, but don't let it burst out yet..." [/i][/color]. The branch was slowly starting to vibrate, [color=a0410d][i]"A little bit more... Come on..." [/i][/color]. Vlad kept staring at the man, hoping he wouldn't notice the branch's vibration. A few meters away from the man, Vlad stopped. [i][color=a0410d]"This should be enough!"[/color][/i]. The branch was vibrating heavily now, as it was about to blow up. [b][color=a0410d]"Eat this you fat shit!"[/color][/b] he yelled while throwing the branch into the air, which spun a few times before catching it again, this time like a spear. Pulling it backwards and aiming at the man, Vlad threw the branch with all his might. [/centre]