[hider=Rowan Lienbach] [center][h1][color=Lightblue]Rowan Lienbach[/color][/h1] [hr][hr][img]http://www.sportsxm.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Hanna-Maria-Hot.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [color=Lightblue][sub]"If you don't try, then you'll never know true victory."[/sub][/color][/center] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Name: [indent]Rowan Lienbach[/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Age: [indent]31[/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Gender: [indent]Female[/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Hetrosexual[/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Role: [indent]Accidental Athlete[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000107825829/e3e25e05ee1147f056d3ee706f8531a8_400x400.jpeg[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=Lightblue]•[/color] Self-reliant[color=Lightblue]•[/color] Competitive [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Persistent [color=Lightblue]•[/color] [color=Lightblue]•[/color]Careless[/center] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Personality: [indent]Rowan always has been considered an intense individual. She is extremely competitive, nothing is considered fun for her unless she wins. People don't seem to enjoy the constant feeling of competition but it is what drives Rowan every day. She needs to be better than her competition, and when defeats a rival she makes sure to humiliate them. Let's just say she has never won a sportsmanship award. The impression most people have is a rude, egotistical muscle headed athlete and they are not too far off. Underneath Rowans competitive personality there is a little girl that is scared to be a looser. In reality, Rowan is only good at sports, swimming especially, she lacks in personal skills and intelligence compared to almost anyone. Men find her competitive side to be repulsing, so, in turn, she never has had a steady relationship and is not very good with men especially. She is very self-conscious about every little thing, her only way to interact with people is to be sort of a jerk, but in reality, she is afraid someone will figure out that she is a failure in more ways than one. [/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [indent] -Swimming -Running -Lifting Weights -Watching Sports -Gambling [/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent] [hider=Likes] + Winning + Competition + Being top dog + Darwinism + Protein [/hider] [hider=Dislikes] - Second place - Intelectuals - Animals - Failure - Being Judged negatively [/hider] [/indent] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Other: [indent]She lacks social skills and is the opposite of studious but she definitely does not lack common sense.[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/002/461/019/hi-res-6422962_display_image.jpg?1343741020[/img][hr][/center] [color=Lightblue]•[/color] Biography: [indent]Rowan moved to America from Sweden at a very young age, only her and her father moved here. Her father was an amazing runner back in Sweden and won many competitions, they moved to America for unknown reasons. Her father is the one that gave her inspiration to win, he would take her running with him but he would force her to keep his pace or would leave her behind. Soon she realized that no one was going to help her out except for herself. On the first day of school, she was ready to be the best student she could be. It only took one month to realize that she was having a lot of difficulties keeping up with the rest of the class. It seemed most of the kids around her were like some kind of super geniuses, but in reality Rowan had a slight form of Autism. It was just enough to make it extremely difficult to learn and interact with her fellow classmates. She started to become angry whenever she didn't understand something and eventually gave up completely on school work. She would have stopped going to school if it wasn't for gym class. It was where she realized that she was the best in the class. Everything they did she was always the victor. Though she had to struggle through class most of the day, that one hour of physical activity was pure bliss. Once a year when the weather was nice they would go to the outdoor pool. Rowan would swim laps around the other kids, she learned how to swim twice as fast as everyone else and mastered it even faster. This was the point that she realized how much she truly loved to win. It was not long before she started to swim professionally when someone has times like hers, it does not matter what her grade point average is. Rowan rose through the competition and could not be stopped, she trained day and night never stopping, and even when her father passed away she was at a competition the day of his funeral. It was not until the accident that she finally stopped her hot streak. Rowan was hit by a drunk driver, or at least that was what she was told, the truth is that it was a hit and run. Rowan was leaving practice and as she was crossing the street a car swerved and ran into her and kept going, leaving her with a fractured spine and bloodied. She was informed that she would never walk again after the accident, but Rowan knew she was useless unless she was swimming. Rowan worked non-stop day in and day out to be able to walk again, it took her 5 months to be able to walk again. Her doctor finally contacted her, he was amazed at her improvement but he still would not give her the ok to be able to compete again. He demanded that she take one more months rest with no intense activities for her back to fully heal, then he would give her the go to go back to swimming. Lucky for Rowan that was the same time she got an invitation to the reunion of her old school. Rowan would have normally tossed a letter like this in the trash, but she was bored out of her mind sitting at home watching videos of old races. She thought a trip down memory lane would be enjoyable if not to just rub in the faces of her old classmates her success. Also to see the pool and gym that started it all would give her motivation once she could start competing​ again. This should be a fun trip or at least a time killer until she can get on with her life. [/indent] [/hider]