[@Azereiah][@Inertia][@liferusher] As Brunhilde spoke Avarius saw what was coming. He rolled his eyes and let out a deflated disappointed sigh. Meanwhile Vallen revealed a slight smirk. He wouldn't announce it but had just added an extra 10 minutes to each set. Avarius had invited Luke to join class so Vallen said no more on the subject. He had already indicated where he expected each student to stand. [color=brown][i]"Miss Vigmundsdottir, Miss Akemi, and guest, welcome. For this lesson listen to my words and follow my movements exactly. Try mirror me as I go through our form. Focus and memorise as this will become daily routine."[/i][/color] Vallen begins with a series of light full body warm-up stretches as he continues to talk. [color=brown][i]" Of the six core elements Earth, Water, Air, Lightning, Fire, Light. We consider three as constants and three to be energies. [/i][/color][color=lightblue][i]"Each constant has an energy counterpart, lightning is the solidarity of the energies, as firm and stubborn as earth. Fire is the flowing energy of its watery constant counterpart. Lastly air is to the other constants as light is to the other energies![/i][/color]" Avarius briskly buts in while mimicking Vallen's stretches. Vallen's following pause of still silence spoke volumes of his disproval. Avarius bites his lip and sinks into himself like a puppy that just got told off. Vallen's steely stoic gaze passes over each student as if checking for approval to proceed.