[hider=A Visit Home] It had been quite a while since Oswald had seen these walls. At least a year since he’d left his home, in search of the knowledge, talent, and the power needed to become more than the boy he’d left as. Even after a year at Beacon, Oswald knew he was nowhere near his goal. This was the very reason he’d made the trip home. Of course, he’d had assistance: Ozpin had allowed a Bullhead to bring him here, so long as it was safeguarded by Oswald’s people. The headmaster had placed an inordinate amount of trust in his students, and it showed. Even two hundred miles beyond the outermost borders of Vale, he left lives and countless Lien of equipment in their hands. As the walls grew closer before the Bullhead moved to hover, Oswald pulled out a relic he hadn’t needed to use for as long as he’d been gone; a simple two-way radio that was barking out a familiar challenge. “Nest.” The response came almost automatically. “Cuckoo.” The last thing one would expect to be welcomed into a nest. A parasitic creature, nearly as vile as the Grimm to some. To others, a commentary on Humanity’s survival: learning to make the best of a hostile world. A moment of pause on the other side of the radio caused Oswald’s heart to drop. “You’re cleared to land.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oswald stepped from his old home and closed the door behind him, his equipment left behind with his family. He wouldn’t need it where he was going. All he needed was some cheap beer, and his old friend. The festivities wouldn’t be complete without either. To that end, he made his way down a small, cobbled road, following a few turns and bends, before coming upon a small home. It was nothing incredibly impressive, just a brick-and-mortar building that could fit a family of six comfortably. Bedrooms, bathrooms, a living area and a kitchen were all most families needed this far out, really. Three knocks on the door were met with silence. She always took a while to get to the door, especially if she wasn’t expecting guests. He hadn’t exactly had the means to call ahead, either, so Oswald knew he’d have to wait a minute or two. It was worth it to see the look of shock on her face when the door opened. “Been a while, huh, Cerise?” The punch to the arm after an awkward moment of silence was also, in fact, worth it. “Oswald, what the hell? I thought you were at Beacon?! What happened?” And there she rolled, right off into the concerned mother routine she’d taken upon herself. “They couldn’t keep me chained up any longer. Had to break free to…to come visit.” Despite his joking demeanor, Cerise knew the reason for his visit was anything but. They rarely saw each other without this coming up. “It’s been a while since you’ve seen them, huh?” The few traces of joviality in Cerise’s voice disappeared when she realized what Oswald meant. He knew she always hoped that he’d come by just to visit her, but it was just too painful. Bending down a little to rub her auburn hair, Oswald gave a half-frown. “It was a while before I left, actually.” He was ashamed to admit that he hadn’t seen his old team before he went off to Beacon, but the guilt of leaving them behind had been a bit much. “I just…didn’t wanna trump it up and then go and blow it, ya know?” Cerise pouted at his treatment of her hair, but nodded in understanding. “They’d understand, Oswald. You know that.” A dark look overtook Oswald at those few words. “Yeah, I know they would. Better than anybody, really……….” A few moments passed in silence. “Come, Cerise, let’s get going, I’ve still gotta get the beer.” Turning away and waving her forward, Oswald’s spirits lifted just a little as he heard the familiar sound of her chair rolling against the gravel ramp in front of her house. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Oswald and Cerise sat next to each other on a small log, a beer in hand and a small fire burning in front of them. Their friends rested opposite the pair, silently listening to Oswald talk. “Sorry it’s been so long since I visited you guys, but I did make it into Beacon. It’s…been hectic. A lot of missions, a lot of work. I’ve learned a lot there, and I made that sword I forged into a real force of nature. Called it Brookeborough’s Vengeance. For you guys. I had a feeling you’d appreciate the name.” Taking a small sip, he continued. “The people there are pretty cool, all in all. Most of them wipe the floor with me in terms of skill, but I outclass all but a few in terms of raw power.” Cerise squeezed Oswald’s arm a little, ever-aware of his difficulties when visiting their old friends. Their old team. It was always nice to have her there, she helped ground him. “My team’s called Codex. Name’s kinda….eh, but my new teammates are pretty cool. Our leader’s named Cobalt, uses a big-ass machine gun sword. The ‘D’ is Diamond, she mostly uses her Semblance and Dust to fight. Her hand-to-hand skills kinda suck, really.” He gave a chuckle before continuing. “Then there’s Emerald. Cute little cat Faunus. She’s got a pair of shotguns that combine into a massive cannon. On our first mission together, she used it to collapse a freaking cave on top of a bunch of Grimm. That was a rough one, though.” Chugging the last remnants of his beer, Oswald sighed. “I’m sorry guys, I’ve been sitting here blabbing, you’re probably thirsty.” He stood off the log, Cerise almost losing her balance at the sudden disruption, and grabbed another beer. Walking over to the tombstone in front of him, Oswald poured the beer onto the ground directly in front of it. Tears welled up in his eyes as the last vestiges of the drink splattered against the ground before being sucked up by the dry dirt. “I’m sorry, guys.” Going back to Cerise, Oswald buried his head in his hands and let the sobs wrack his body as he remembered his old friends. “Sssshhhh, it’s okay. It’s okay, Oz, just let it out.” Carved into the simple tombstone were six names, one separated from the others by the smallest of lines. Above them, carved in larger letters, was a message for both them and the living. [h3][b]To Our Guardians: All Was Given. All is Owed. All will be remembered. [/b] [/h3] Oswald would certainly remember them all. Finley, Ash, Hunter, Crystal, Yahto, and Blaine. “I’m so sorry.” [/hider]