[center][h1][color=cyan]Riley Ridgeway[/color][/h1] [img]http://fan-place.ru/sites/default/files/avril-lavigne/2016/202662/avril-lavigne-202662-306508.gif[/img] [i]Location: Grimm High School Gym.[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=cyan]"Thank god, please if you can just keep it between all of us if word gets out i'm pretty much fucked and my music career would pretty much be down the shitter with my fans thinking I killed someone."[/color] Riley said as she gulped down her drink looking towards Cynthia as she started to approach Jacob like getting uncomfortably close to his face, she couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at the situation that Jacob was in though she felt bad she wouldn't want anyone right up in her face either. Riley took another drink before setting her cup down as Tim started to pry Cynthia from poor Jacob. [color=cyan]"So yeah Cynthia and I guess will be bunking together, not sure who else would be going with us either or if we are going to be bunking with anyone else."[/color] Riley answered Tim as she turned her attention towards Jacob she felt bad for her greeting and that happened years ago even though they had gotten into physical fights with one another. Back then Riley was at least willing to try and burry the hatchet with him she had done it with Cynthia already. [color=cyan]"So whats been new with you Jacob what have you been doing since graduation?"[/color] Riley asked trying to be friendly with him she could get a hint of an English accent from him. Riley still however thought that it was really suspicious of him coming into the gym just after she had found out another murder happened to be Valencia in her own prom dress. But she wasn't going to start pointing fingers at him, she was trying to be genuinely friendly with the guy who one of many tried to make her life hell in high school ten years ago.