[@Zelosse] [centre] Yet again, the man stood firm and took another of his attacks head one. Vlad looked slightly shocked as he saw how the explosive branch/spear he just used only made his arms burn slightly and bleed. [color=a0410d][i]"How can he keep enduring these hits? a normal human being would be down with the punch already?"[/i][/color]. Drops of sweat were visible on Vlad's face. And he was panting. He haven't been able to rest yet after his training and kept using attack after attack, too focused on beating him. [i][color=a0410d]"I don't have much energy left but what can I do? He will simply endure it again and then I'll just be unable to move anymore"[/color][/i]. The fat man challenged him once again, and while still [i]smiling[/i] he charged forwards, at surprising speeds for such a large frame. While on the way he grabbed a large boulder and easily lifted it with his bleeding arms. [i][color=a0410d]"This guy is a monster.."[/color][/i] Vlad thought baffled but then quickly shook his head, if he was hit with that boulder he would be done, perhaps even dead. But he was too exhausted to dodge, and it wouldn't be effective anyways since he'll probably catch up with Vlad if he managed to dodge the stone anyways. He had no choice but then fight back with whatever he had. He didn't know if this was a pride thing or him simply not having any other options but he decided to smash the boulder with the little energy he had left. He slowly slide his right foot backwards for balance although it was futile and grabbed his left wrist with the other hand. Concentrating the little energy he had left, his hand light up. It was by far not enough to blow the boulder away but with some luck he'll manage to stop it, with a high chance of breaking his arm in the process. But Vlad wouldn't back down, never. The man threw the boulder and it flew at full speed toward him, Vlad quickly released his wrist and was about to punch it when suddenly a weird sensation hit him. The boulder flew past him missing him. [color=a0410d][i]"Huh it missed me? I was pretty su-"[/i][/color]. Vlad punched the air, the fire around his fist dissipating. But the charging man was still running towards him, about to unleash a series of devastating punches. Vlad had simply no energy left to do anything and crossed his arms in front of him, in a desperate attempt to defend himself. The first punch came like a truck, hitting Vlad's arms and sending a tremble through his whole body. This broke his guard instantly, sending his arms backwards opening up his face chest and stomach. a few more punches hit Vlad before sending him away flying, two of them hit him hard in the stomach and chest breaking some ribs in the process and one in the face, on his right cheek. With blood gushing out of his mouth Vlad landed on the ground a few meters away. [/centre]