[center][h2][color=fff79a]Emi[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5P8mwoE.png[/img][/center] Avarius told them some wise words Emi hadn't thought about that and wanted to comment but decided not to since he was probably mad at her that she was late for his lesson. Although she thought. He was going to be replaced with Vallen who she couldn't find out of what kind of element he controlled. She peered a little from behind her cover to see this Vallen person. The expression on her face seemed to keep getting nervous as she looked at him. He smile had faded as she muttered a word. [center][color=fff79a]"Scary..."[/color][/center] Emi was gestured to keep quiet. His voice was even scarier than his appearance, he had a deep calm voice. It was matching his appearance, he was the kind to blow something up and calmly walk away from it again. He was calmly speaking to Brunhilde asking how her day was bassicly. He didn't seem mad and Emi was about to come out from her cover but as he mentioned tardiness she jumped just slightly and ducked behind Luke again. He was talking about her! He was talking about her for sure! She had to get out, this was gonna be bad. Why wasn't she crying yet. Brunhilde had answered the man, she probably didn't know at this point since she likely forgot but she had been giving Emi a punishment. At least they weren't hits on the head to how many minutes she was late, that would be the worst. She had experienced that before and after 30 minutes of coming late she had learned her lesson well. Still it wasn't something fun that she had to stay longer at the end. Brunhilde looked rather puzzled at the new boy, but of course Emi had completely forgotten she was the only one that had met Luke before. Emi now knowing she would get her punishment at the end of the lesson acted normal again. She jumped out from behind Luke and took some distance. She raised her pencil in front of her closed one of her eyes and poked out her tongue at the corner of her mouth like a real artisan. She stepped a few steps backwards while she slowly got the journal from under her journal. When she was at a good distance she dropped her butt onto the grass. Her feet almost instantly crossed as she dropped the journal on her legs. Her tongue poked out the whole time while she had started making a nice drawing of Luke on a new page. It looked rather silly, she only wore a bikini and the word Emi was still written on her forehead. After a few minutes a nicely drawn chibi of Luke was on the paper with his name above it. Emi's expression brightened as she looked at the finished package. It had worked out well what made her pretty happy. She quickly showed Brunhilde and sat down a small distance away from the small girl and Vallen as the lesson began. [hider=Chibi Luke][img]http://i.imgur.com/tBnANuU.jpg[/img][/hider] They were told to do stretch exercises while the calm yoga teacher told his story. Avarius butted in for a moment but was quickly told off by Vallen which she thought was quite funny. It showed a little who was stronger qua image that was.