She watched the jester go with a grimace, or the Slith's equivalent to a grimace. Though doubtful that she would ever be able to trust the man - crucial on such a job - she was hesitant to give up so soon. She doubted that, if this was no good, she would have the strength to return to civilisation. The ways of humans, orcs, even Slith tired her. But no, she would not give up on this so soon, first she must consider all the information. For a final time before entering the tavern, she looked towards the forest and flexed her claws, felt them sink into the mud and earth. With a deep inhale of the marsh scented air, she made her way over to the doorway. There was a light in the window, weak in comparison to the now rising sun that peered over the tree tops. Two fire drakes flitted in the dark sky above and for a fleeting moment she felt a longing, but she soon turned away and grasped for the door handle. With the door half ajar, about to step in, she faltered in her stride and turned back to the wizard. "If that is your true reason for wanting to fight the Lich, then that is commendable. But it will be dangerous..." Kij's head tilted to the side, reptilian eyes regarding him piercingly. "So you must be strong enough, or it could be fatal for all of us. You understand?" She didn't wait for a reply, but instead walked through the door and shut it behind her. Tiredness finally seeping into her muscles, she welcomed the chair and slumped down, looking about the tavern as she did so.