[hider=Fluores Verdelia] Name: Fluores Verdalia. (Basically an altered Fluorescent Green/Verde) Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Half-Faunus(Cat on her mother's side) Human genes dominant. -Height:5’10” -Weight:175lbs -Eyes: Lime Green.Eyes have a slightly upward slanted angle to them. -Skin color: Fairly pale due to sticking inside most of her free time, tinkering on some new object of interest. -Face: Her eyes are what draw in most people, usually alert and examining whatever has caught her attention for the moment. A small nose precariously holds a pair of glasses on her face. Very little make up is ever applied, save for formal events. -Hair: Wears long to hide her ears, or lack thereof. Neon Green, gradually fading about mid back and becoming white at the end. For this reason rarely wears her hair back. -Physique: Fluores has a lean build. She is mostly leg. Small hint of muscle. C-cup. -Aura:Her aura is Neon Green, with a pulsing ring of white traveling from the bottom up. The pulse of white speeds up when her aura is used more liberally, the frequency a good indicator I how fast she may be burning through it. Personality: If one were to describe Fluores in a single word, Curious would probably be the first to come to mind, though lazy (”Efficient!”) would be following closely behind. Fluores holds an almost uncontrollable urge to know, always taking things apart and examining them down to their core, both metaphorically and literally when possible. This can sometimes cause her to become unaware of boundaries, though she is rather self conscious of this should someone bring attention to her odd ways. This trait is amplified immensely should her equipment become damaged or unusable at anytime, becoming highly anxious and prone to stress, her reliance on it having made them into a kind of security blanket of sorts. Weapon: Neon Green Hardlight formed beast like claws on both her arms and legs, forming gauntlets reaching up to her elbows and greaves covering her knees. These are emitted from circuitry and hardware running from her gloves and kneesocks. She can use the hardened photons themselves to send out bursts of beams for distance attacks, but after a few shots the limbs will need a few seconds to reform, leaving her weaponless for a short time. These blast are effective up to mid-range, quickly losing their stability much farther after that point. Weapon Name: Party Animal Weapon Functions: Floures carries around raw crystals of dust, generally a cheaper form of dust rather than the refined stuff used for most weapons. Able to easily apply them by simply holding them between her claws and the hardlight energy absorbing the dust energy itself into it for a few minutes. Can also be used as a foci for her semblance, allowing her hands to take th attributed of the dust imbued. Gravity Dust: Party Animal-Allows her to either increase or decrease her own weight. Reach-Allows her to increase or decrease the weight of whatever she holds in her "hands." Lightning Dust: Party animal-adds shock damage to her attacks, as well as tripleing the times she can use its ranger functions before needing to reform them. Reach- Vastly increases the speed that her "hands" move, as well as the speed that pull either her or her target, becoming hard for one to follow with their eyes. Armor/ Clothing: Wears an open knee length lab coat with the Atlesian Military symbol emblazoned on the right breast pocket. She has modified it slightly to split the coats tail up to her waist, allowing her own to come through the split. Floures normally wears a pair of black shorts,along with lime green kneesocks, the material seeming to be durable yet elastic. Fingerless elbow length gloves made from a durable fabric black as well. Both the knee socks and the gloves have what seem to be various strands of thread that shimmer when the light hits it just right as a result of her weapon being integrated into them. A white tank top with her symbol upon it.She wears an array of various bracelets on her left arm.She wears a pair of small rectangular glasses, the frames are a lime green, and the earpieces being white. She wears a necklace on a simple chain with a bell charm. A simple pair of black flats completes the outfit, the whole thing geared towards comfort rather than fashion. When wearing the Vault Uniform, she still wears her lab coat. -Gadgets (if any):Has hard light hairband with 2 triangular metal frames that creates a pair of slightly translucent Neon Green cat ears, as well as a dull grey belt with a long knee length side extending from behind her, creating a highly flexible slightly translucent Neon Green tail. She can change the form of these by selecting a default setting that she's programmed, or a completely new one after a few days of writing new code for the form, though nothing too far from the base frames. They have been programmed to respond to her brainwaves and will move and react in line with her own subconscious. These serve to basically replace her hearing and offset her disability. Tail is used to help correct her balance as a lack of an inner ear has made her equilibrium sketchy at best. They started out rather utilitarian in the beginning, made by her father, but as she grew older she began tinkering with them, stylizing and upgrading them. While they allow for a higher hearing sensitivity and increased sense of balance than normal, she is effectively crippled without them, not having needed to survive without them for years.They are currently on Mark VIII Semblance Name: Reach Semblance: Can basically increase the length of her reach through a phantasmal hand that extends from her arms, mimicking her arms motion.Depending on the weight and stability of the item, she can either throw or retrieve it, with solid items like buildings/Trees/Large Grimm instead pulling her along. Can extend up to 50ft. When used while her gauntlets act as a dust foci, her hands may take on the properties of the dust. Tends to use mainly Gravity dust and Lightning dust. She will often use it to zip about the battle field, landing anything from a glancing blow to a clothesline if she's feeling dramatic as she zips around. -Activation Cue: An aural copy of her arm appears, extending from there, though a stream(tether, line?) of aura connects it to her, only the hand can interact with objects. Strengths: With her years doing maintenance on the equipment to counter her disability, as well as making Party Animal, she is well versed in weapons repair and maintenance, as well as general repair. Her acrobatic fighting style, mixed with the mobility of her semblance can make her rather difficult to hit. Weaknesses: Once her Aura is depleted, Fluores is not the most durable off fighters, unlikely to take more than a few hits before going down. The years of relying on her ears and tail to offset her disability mean that should they ever be taken out in a fight, she is literally crippled. As well as the physical issues, the ears and tail now act as a sort of security blanket, making her prone to anxiety and panic without them. Bio: Fluores was born to a Jasmine and Glade Verdelia, a Huntress and Atlesian Military Researcher respectively. Fluores had the misfortune to be the victim of a genetic deformity known as anotia at birth, her ears (human) having not formed. For the first formative years of her life, she lived in a world of silence, unable to even hear her own name, as well as having been unable to stand on her own till she was three due to her lack of an inner ear effectively crippling her sense of balance. Through years of trial and error, her father spent any time away from work trying to find a way to help his daughter, writing code after code in an attempt to recreate a sense of hearing. It wasn't until she was 4 that her father finally finished the Mark I, the world seemed to open up to Fluores. Glade had taken an abandoned project he'd worked on early in his career, meant to enhance soldiers perception of the battlefield, developed to counter the natural abilities of many Faunus during the Faunus rebellions. While it had been scrapped, being deemed to cost heavy for mass use, Glade was how it may be modified to correct his daughter's disability. Fluores's was largely raised by her father, her mother often gone, the life of a Huntress necessitating she be gone more often than not. However when her mother was home, Floures was regaled as she acted out tales of facing down hordes of the incoming Grimm, tales surely exaggerated, but Fluores are them up with gusto, always excited to hear the new tales her mother might have brought back. While her mother was away, her father found he could not always be there should something happen to her equipment, and began teaching her early on how to make small repairs to them, finding his daughter to be a quick learner. After a few years, she had found she took to the maintenance and repair rather quickly, soon outpacing her father on upgrading the equipment as she was able to put her full attention to the gear that she relied so heavily upon. It wasn't long till she had her own little workshop set up in the family garage, steadily improving on the original design and stylizing to make them uniquely her own. As Vault was in its early stages, Fluores’s father offered to help in the formative years of the kingdom, leading advances in the kingdoms security systems, while her mother aided in holding back Grimm attacks.As Fluores watched the kingdom grow around her, she felt a deep pride for this new safehold as the Grimm were pushed back. As she watched it become a budding new kingdom and listened in awe of the stories mother told her about fending of the Grimm, it was little suprise once she announced her intentions to follow in her mother's footsteps. Having now graduated from her battle school now, she awaits with mixed feelings of excitment and nervousness as she heads to Lustre. [/hider]