A hand was laid down on the shoulder of Botis, a firm grip was on his shoulder, and he heard familiar voice. It was Dantalion! Botis looked around, but the other demon already had disappeared. He immediately realized that it was him who did this to her and got angered. He balled his fist in response, but had nothing to release his anger to. Luckily his mistress woke up, although she seemed very tired and perhaps a little bit depressed. He didn't like it. Cherub and Surgat told her it was because of all the memories that resurfaced again and because she used quite a lot of mana. They also insisted on Botis talking to her. He rolled his eyes at the two familiars and approached his mistress. "I'm the one who should be worried about you." Botis said frustrated. He tried to pick Ciara up, but she quickly called her staff to help her walk. Rico is safe, don't worry about it." he looked around and noticed three witch hunters passed out on the ground. He shook his head for Ciara not killing them, but also would not speak about him killing the other two. "I'm fine Ciara, thanks for helping me." Rico replied. "We will get you home so you can rest. I will return to the Underworld so you'll replenish your mana quicker. Then you can summon me again." Botis suggested. He looked at Rico. "So, whatcha gonna do now hunter?" he glared at him. "I will probably stay with Lucille for the time being... I can't risk being seen." he said, Botis nodded. "Then you go on ahead, I'll check on you two before I head to the Underworld." he said. Rico and Lucille did as he said and went ahead to Lucille's cabin. Botis had some private time with Ciara now, with the little ones walking a little distance behind them. "So... mistress. What is really going on now? What did that demon do to you, and why did he target you?"