[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=9e0039]Jacob Blackwell[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/XyokfLNi4MqCA/200.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] High School Gym [/center][hr] The steps Jacob took were small. Much smaller than what he would have normally strode. He was nervous. Nervous as hell. He was walking right upto his past and pretty much confronting it. The past quickly came to him in return. Cynthia had darted forward, closing the gap between them before Jacob could even speak, Cynthia had gotten right into him, almost nose to nose. On instinct, the muscles in his legs tightened, adrenaline levels soaring. The fight or flight response upon which he had mastered in high school had kicked in. Cynthia had invaded his personal space and his body had arched backwards, trying to avoid letting Cynthia getting any closer to his face. He was almost happy when Tim removed her, though Cynthia's words had struck him as odd. Before he could say anything, Cynthia was swiped back into the group, Tim saying something that Jacob couldn't quite make out as he got closer. Cynthia however was louder and gave it away quite quickly. Now with the group, he wasn't exactly happy. [color=9e0039]"What did Cynthia say? Lots of death? And something about Jacob doing it? I hope this is all her crazy speak going on?"[/color] For Jacob that was the best he could muster. He didn't hear enough to say anything else, and as far as he knew everything was fine. He had just arrived here, blissfully unaware of the events unfolding around him. Were the referring to the death of Simone? On the various interconnecting flights here, Jacob hadn't given Simone much thought. The bitch was dead. End of. However now he was here it began to dawn on him - then events that took place that night. [quote]Jacob had been at the back. As far back as was possible without melting into the wall. This part of the prom was the bit he had hated. He hated popularity. He couldn't stand it. And now they were about to announce the biggest titles of them all: Prom King and Prom Queen. At that point, after the two obvious names were announced and Jacob was about ready to leave, the body of Simone came crashing down, hanging there for everyone to see. At first Jacob wanted to throw up, his haemophobia kicking in. But at that point. When his mind registered that it was Simone, suddenly he didn't give a crap anymore. [/quote] [color=9e0039]"I have been working around the clock..."[/color] He started in response to Riley's question, trying not to let the previous statement he had made longer on for too long. [color=9e0039]"Travelling the world and selling my latest microcopmuter. as well as trying to enjoy wealth. How about you?"[/color]