Tyler had one hand gripping a piece of webbing on the side of the RHIB tightly. He lay over the side, C8 aimed out in front of them. He thanked the Creator now for those tactical glasses he has on. The ocean spray turning his face an oddly pleasant dampness. He grinned a little and gripped tighter over one really powerful wave. He smiled a little, "Bigger boat...should have brought something with guns maybe. Sir." He grins softly. He's decked down from head to toe. Combat BDUs, helmet, vest and webbing. His Hi-power strapped to the front of his vest, P-SARK sheath just below his left shoulder which would allow him to quick grab it. The entire squad here kitted out in their own way. Echo is the kinda outfit that you know is worth being in. They know their shit. SAS, Frogmen, 601 SKSS and other units besides. Multi-national, multi talented. Echo pretty much had it all and more besides. He's honored to be along, kinda glad Petawawa let him be detached from his CJIRU group to be allowed to act with Echo. It felt really good to be among them. As soon as they hit the shore. He leapt out, grabbed the front lines on the boat and pulled it further up onto the sand and rock. Just so their boat didn't end up washing out into the water on them. Last thing they really wanted to do was have to swim out to it when they needed to make an escape. Along the same lines of your AFV taking a rocket when you thought you left it in a safe place. He didn't want to be the one to be asked to swim out to the boat later in the operation to get it. When the boat was squared away he headed over and knelt down beside their new 2IC, Aleksandra, and today his squad leader. Two man squad, worked for him. He gave her a nod, whispering, "On your mark ma'am. I've got your back if we need to split off from the main group ma'am." He checked his rifle, slotting a magazine in, holding the Wildcats for later. Just a straight up 5.56 mag for now, lock the mag in, he cocked it, getting a round in the chamber, made sure the sure AAC suppressor attached to the barrel of his C8 is attached correctly, then does the same for the Hi-power, checking the loaded mag on the Hi-power as well. He smiled, everything squared away. This ought to be good. The order of business, quiet infil, thin out the herd. Knife and blade. Make sure bodies are hidden, make sure they don't get up. These bastards wanted to bomb and kill people, he had not worries about doing the exact same to them. Not in the least. Canada might be the worlds peacekeepers. But today, this is one Canadian that's going to be a life taker, rather then a life saver.