[center][h3][color=#d40b0b]Zephyr Heidrich[/color][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmS_MxfJiCw]Current Theme[/url][/center] [hr] The formal attire donned upon him felt unbearably constricting. It was almost as if an impregnable barrier had been placed between his skin and the earth. He did have to wear a uniform of such a caliber when he was employed as a waiter, though that job was short-lived. The stoic had reached the point of no return when freshly brewed coffee met that man of exactly forty-five years’ face. At least the guy got the hot surprise he was hoping for. As Murphy’s Quantum Law states, if something can go wrong, scorching hot coffee is the most likely perpetrator. Zephyr tugged the tie away from his throat, knowing full well that it would somehow return to the same position on its own. At least the wear had its own redeeming qualities. It took his sight a few moments to focus after his lids had eased open. The sun’s reach was making an active attempt to permeate the thick treeline. Rays cascaded downwards through passages of leaves and rested on the forest floor, with the only obstruction being the adolescent resting on the grassy bed. He had woken up to this tranquil scene many times and always found it entertaining to note the subtle differences every time he greeted the world once more. Almost mechanically, the boy sat up from the viridescent ground. As blades of grass fell from Zephyr’s hair, his vacuous eyes absorbed his surroundings. While his sight was engrossed in the act of digesting environment, his hearing picked up a faint commotion. It wasn’t too far off, and whatever the source of the thrashing was, it was evidently a turmoil of mayhem. Zephyr found himself at a crossroads. He had parted with his friends earlier since the two had class, which left him to his own devices. The boy decided to fill his time with a pacifying slumber that definitely worked as expected. He felt revitalized, despite the blank expression on his face. The urge to convene with them and listen about how their first day of classes went was present, yet his head was currently fixated in the direction of the noise. His conscious only dwelled on the prospect for a brief moment before the student got to his feet and absentmindedly paced his way forward. The Darkness user arrived at the tail end of the brawl, just in time to witness the barrage of punches launched by the burlier figure, who he presumed to be a student. He silently watched from the treeline ultimately unnoticed. This was his first time bearing witness to other elementalists, and to be frank, it was an eye-opening experience. Well only in a metaphorical sense, since the boy’s eyes still maintained their vacant form. The tables appeared to have been turned on the other party, who now resorted to last-ditch effort tactics. His composure remained unchanged as both individuals continued to display their prowess. That was until a third individual entered the fray. But rather than adding even more fuel to the fire, he turned a piece of artillery into his personal chair. At least that was the conclusion Zephyr drew, for the man had acted in the blink of an eye. After the losing student collapsed to the ground, all of a sudden the victor was on his back with meticulously made cuts dug deep into specific regions. Zephyr watched the spectacle before him at an utter loss for words. It was as if the man had forcefully taken ahold of the hands of time and dragged them counterly. The scene which had staved off the effects of the conflict began to repair itself. The boy stepped into the grove as the ground below his feet tended to itself. The fires that had burned vibrantly a moment ago had now been quelled. He scrutinized the two students from a few feet away. Based upon their features, they were most likely his seniors by far. In comparison, he was a lanky kid just four inches short of six feet. Before he spoke out, he glanced up at the man posted on his pedestal. The master currently was engrossed in making amends to Mother Nature. Zephyr returned his gaze to the two and questioned in an impassive yet mildly cautious voice , [color=#d40b0b]”Nurse’s office?”[/color] The question wasn't directed to either individual in particular, though the boy felt the underlying fact that he wouldn't be able to haul the larger student back on his own. Though his wounds already seemed to be mending themselves. Elementalists were truly unique individuals. [@Zelosse][@KuramaaaZ]