The tournament won't officially start for a few days, but I'm posting the rules now so you can read through them ahead of time. [u][h2]Tournament of Legends Rules[/h2][/u] [b]These are the rules your character knows:[/b] 1. Only avatars are allowed to compete; your Pokemon can't help you. 2. Each avatar is allowed one consumable held item (i.e. a berry, a potion) and one non-consumed held item (i.e. a Rocky Helmet, a Soothe Bell) per battle. Unless you have it on your character sheet or won it in an odd-week drawing, please stick to basic items you'd find in a typical Poke-Mart. You may switch out your item(s) between battles. 3. The battle will continue until all but one competitor is knocked out or forfeits. (Remember that Pokemon and avatars must take significant damage beyond that of a normal battle to die. If a character is killed in these battles, it will be assumed that his/her competitor(s) murdered her/him on purpose.) 4. If you purposely leave the arena, that is considered a forfeit. If you are pushed or otherwise forced out of the arena, that does not count as a forfeit and the battle continues. 5. There are small cash prizes for the semi-finalists, a larger cash prize for second place, and a special item for first place. (I haven't decided what the special item is yet. ^_^') 6. Nine competitors have signed up. Thus, the first round of competition will be 1v1v1. The last avatar standing will move on to the semi-finals. After that, the second-place finishers of each battle will compete again for the fourth slot of the semi-finals. 7. The semi-finals and finals will be a simple 1v1, single elimination. 8. Competitors will have a little time to rest and explore the festival between rounds. 9. Avatars who have been eliminated from the competition are allowed to return to the basement as spectators if they wish. [b]These are the out-of-character rules:[/b] 1. Please be fair and realistic about these battles. I know you all want to win and it can be hard to let your character lose. I will be around to referee if necessary, but I would like you all to be so fair and cooperative that you don't need me. 2. Battles will be done on Titanpad, unless someone can't use Titanpad or some other pressing reason. 3. The turns of battle will go in order of the legendary Pokemons' base speed stat. If a speed-altering effect is used, use fair judgement to decide as a group whether or not the order changes. 4. On each of your turns, you have two attack options. #1, You may use one move. #2, You may use two moves on the same turn, but you must spend your next turn recharging your energy. If you use a certain special berry, you may attack twice on the same turn and don't need to recharge the next turn. [color=f49ac2]5. Porygon-Z was here! Please do not tell Master Zan I messed with her super long boriiiiing post.[/color] 5. You can say how you use attacks and how your character intends them to affect the defender. The defender decides if/how the attack hits, keeping fairness in mind. Tl;dr: no god-modding. 6. To move things along, when it is your turn, you have three days to post your move. If you don't meet the deadline, I will take that move for you, and it will be a relatively low-powered attack. If you will be unable to post for a while, please let us know in advance so we can make arrangements. 7. During the first round, if a competitor posts fewer than two times and I need to take over his/her turn twice, I will unfortunately have to retcon the battle up to that point and replace the absent OC with an NPC. This is to ensure that, if a player decides to drop out or something, the RP won't be held up indefinitely. If something like this happens in later rounds, I'll figure out a way to make the missing character fight reasonably well but ultimately lose. 8. I'm randomizing the competitors, so if you end up with a bad match-up, it's not because I'm personally trying to make you lose. 9. If you have any questions, complaints, etc., feel free to contact me via PM or Titanpad. 10. Have fun and stuff :)