[center][hr][hr][h1][color=9e0b0f]Dana Harada - Only Dad Can Judge Me[/color][/h1] [hr][hr] [hider=Hand Cannons Are Now In Season][img]http://i.imgur.com/GUiNzBt.jpg?2[/img][/hider] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Airport; Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Pale skin is a sign of beauty. [@Krayzikk] See that mountain? You can hug it. [@HereComesTheSnow][/center] Rebekah didn't have much time to pore over her novel. A quarter of an hour later, a tall Japanese woman came striding confidently up to the bookworm on the bench and stared down halfheartedly over Gucci sunglasses. She was wearing a dark skirt, heels, and a jacket underneath a burgundy peacoat that seemed like it had been recently put on; one of the sleeves was still ruffled. The unspoken explanation for the coat came when Dana pulled an enormous polished-silver handgun from the inside right breast pocket and dropped it surreptitiously into her handbag. With that done, she hooked her sunglasses to the collar of her shirt and finally gave Bekah her full attention. [color=9e0b0f]"Hello friend."[/color] [color=cadetblue]"Hello, Dana."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"I see you spent the summer tanning in front of your computer."[/color] Rebekah arched her eyebrows faintly in amusement. Nothing more was said. In fact, the two remained mostly silent throughout the trip back to the Grand Caravan (or, as it was known in certain gaijin circles, [color=6ecff6]"the Lesbo-bile"[/color]) that would be taking them to Olympus. Though they walked hand in hand out into the parking lot, the only words spoken for the first half of the ride were spoken when Dana exclaimed her happiness at the case Rebekah had made for her sword. It was much harder to get a bladed weapon through an airport than it was to pick up a handgun one of your mother's friends from overseas had left bundled up in a peacoat for you, so Dana had entrusted it to the care of her best friend for the summertime. From the look of the fully-hinged mahogany display case, she had chosen wisely. Such was her pleasure that she had finally pulled Rebekah into the first hug of the school year and, with a lush smile, proclaimed that the sword was hers as much as it was Dana's. After that, the two decided into complete silence yet again. It broke momentarily when Dana asked how Bekah's dad was. Bekah said good. A moment of silence went by. Bekah returned the question, flipping it on its head to inquire as to the health of Dana's mother. Dana said good. Her mother had not represented anyone with a missing finger while she was away. This spoke well to the...caliber of her mother's clients for the year. With a faint knowing smile on Dana's part, and a furrowed brow on Rebekah's, the two lapsed into a final silence that lasted until they arrived at Olympus. It was then that she noticed the oddly-homoerotic placement of her brother's Ford Ranger in conjunction to the tuner of his oddly-homoerotic friend. As Rebekah parked, Dana began to believe the worst - a belief that was cemented upon checking her meathead brother's Snapchat story and watching the parking job occur in beautiful, awful real time. [color=9e0b0f]"Oniisan is such an idiot. I am going to break our streak for this,"[/color] Dana opined quietly to her friend as they stepped out of the minivan. Dana threw her coat over the crooked arm currently supporting her purse and bent over into the backseat to retrieve her sword from its new case. She carried it in her unobstructed arm as she, and her friend, walked over to Jonas'...parking spot...and engaged the son of Ares. [color=9e0b0f]"Hai, Jonas,"[/color] she said, another smile playing along her lips. [color=9e0b0f]"I would like some affection."[/color]