Caractacus scowled as the jester went inside. He was hardly pissing himself. He just had some trouble formulating words was all. Anyone would after so long in isolation, really. He would have to think of a few choice words for the jester next time he saw him. Which would most likely be soon, as they were working the same job. Caractacus then looked to the slith, she seemed at least a little more at ease, which was decent news. She took a look back at the forest before approaching him. Or the door. Definitely the door. Caractacus watched her approach, but didn't speak. He instead waited for a response to the question he posed. Whether or not the jester answered for her, it would be better to hear it from the slith herself. She was about to head in when she stopped, and spoke. "If that is your true reason for wanting to fight the Lich, then that is commendable. But it will be dangerous..." She locked him with a gaze that shot through to his core, and continued. "So you must be strong enough, or it could be fatal for all of us. You understand?" [color=dimgray]"I u-under--[/color] The door slammed shut, cutting short his response. Caractacus sighed; he understood what it would take to succeed. It was all planned out, and as long as he followed the plan, nothing, not even the pit of fear sitting low in his stomach, would stop him from achieving his goals. Reassured, Caractacus pulled open the door, and slipped inside. He took a place close to, but not quite on, the undead side.