[@KatherinWinter] [b]"I'm looking, I've never been here before. So I'm kinda lost myself."[/b] *James would lead Katherin out, looking around and biting his lower lip just a tad* [b]"Thought that when I smelled the perfume that they may have some other things you were looking for. I could always be wrong."[/b] *After some minutes of looking, he smiles as he looks back at Katherin. Leading her over to the store in the mall and looking around. It had homely daily essentials on the shelves like soap, shampoo and towels for the bathroom to even some kitchen utensils and supplies. Must be some general store or whatever it's called, but it had some if not what Katherin wanted. Pulling her gently along but taking his time for her into the store* [b]"Any preference for anything you wanted? Like scented shampoo or something like that?"[/b] *He wasn't going to stoop as low as to ask a blind girl what she wants in looks for her things, sure he layed it out so she can bring it up if she wants. But he wasn't going to flat out ask what she wanted her comb to look like, to him that is in a way insulting*