Welcome to Wonderland, a place where dreams really do come true (that is if your dreams involve somehow ending up in a topsy turvy land in the company of the Mad Hatter Estates). Still whether you came to this place through a small attic door or by a hole in the floor, each of the ‘Alices’ are always welcome. Though no one knows how one comes to end up in Wonderland, the best thing you can do to pass the time is just enjoy the ride. Unfortunately, Wonderland is at war as the Red King tries to kidnap and imprison the ‘Alices’ in the hopes of unlocking the way back to the real world where he can release his dark magic. Enjoy your stay, and don’t get caught. [b] Locations:[/b] [u] Mad Hatter Estates:[/u] Welcome one. Welcome all to the crazy Hatter’s Estate halls.[i] Don’t be down hearted, don’t you fear. You’ll soon find out, we’re all mad here.[/i] This is the place where all the ‘Alices’ live, owned by the renowned Mad Hatter. Both the Hare and the Door-mouse (people) are to the ‘Alices’ disposal and are the estate’s personal help. The Hatter also owns the town for which the estate resides. In the town there are many shops including a hat and clothing shop ran by the Hatter (a good place for one to find work) and several other stores [u]Katrina's Garden[/u] Katrina’s garden is a place of magic and beauty. The trees grow candied leaves, and bare the sweetest fruits. In the middle of the garden is a waterfall that flows out a liquid with no description; it simply tastes like whatever you want it to. The roses grow multicolored and each color is a different flavor. The berries on the bushes are sour candies. If you have a sweet tooth of any kind, Katrina’s garden is the place to fill it. She lives in a small garden home and is often in the company of the Cheshire cat. She owns a bakery in town. [u]Cheshire’s Woods (Wanderer’s Doom) :[/u] Cheshire lives in the Wanderer’s Doom, a place of secrecy and darkness. No one who has ever gone in has ever come out. The trees are cruel and they like to get wanderers lost and play tricks on all who enter. Only the Cheshire cat, with his ability to disappear has ever been, been able to figure out the mystery of these woods. His home lies in the center and the only way to ever get to it is if lead by the Cheshire himself. But the biggest danger of all is the twenty foot tall 'man-eating' gummy bears that call this region their home. Just kidding, they are deliciously harmless….just ask Chess. (; [u] White Castle:[/u] This is the location of the White King. He runs all of Wonderland and though his heart is good there is much secrecy here too. However, we do know that he fights against his brother for the better good. If you ever have any problems this is the place to go. [u]Red Castle:[/u] This is the home of the Red King (a devilishly handsome man who seems to be even more so personality wise). Try not to fall under a spell of love if you find yourself face to face with him. He captures ‘Alices’ and locks them away in hopes of discovering how they enter and leave Wonderland. On off chances he uses them for ransom. However, if you fall under his graces you will find yourself in one of the most beautiful and eloquent places in Wonderland. [b]Purpose:[/b] So essentially this is a free reign rp where (depending if you are an 'Alices' or 'Wonderlander') your character is thrown into a world that they didn't think existed. They must find out how to survive in Wonderland while trying to figure out how to get back. They will face bandersnatches, card soldiers, and most terrifyingly of all the Red King, whose goal is to trick them into staying in his castle forever where he will proceed to add them to his 'collection'. Can you survive or will you thrive never wishing to leave. [u][b]Optional Roles to Choose from:[/b][/u] [b]Garden Wonderlander (Katrina): Midnight Howl[/b] [b]Mad Hatter: Midnight Howl[/b] Chess: March Hare: Red King: White King: Wonderlander (Multiple avail.): "Alice" (boys or girls multiple avail.): [b]'Alice' (girl) (Sarah): Midnight Howl[/b]