[i]My relationship sheets so far: If you are in TIER 3 and you'd like to be moved into TIER 2 Hit me up- nothing wrong with TIER 3; just means we haven't crossed paths yet and will eventually in IC :)[/i] [hider=Relationships][center][h1][color=b83d55][b]Dustyn Taylor Flint[/b][/color][/h1] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/rIxq7EI.png[/img] [color=b83d55][b]{[/b][/color]"[i]Some guy told me he noticed my initials were DTF. I told him I noticed he had eaten a lot of onions that night.[/i]"[color=b83d55][b]}[/b][/color] | [color=000000]☠[/color] Enemy || [color=ded16a]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=008800]★[/color] Friend || [color=0050cc]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ff0000]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=800800]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances |[hr][/center] [hider=Tier 1][h2]People I've Met & Love[/h2] | [color=palegreen]T E S S A . G A L L O W A Y[/color] {[color=0050cc]♫[/color]} | [i]"One of my best friends, I know she is there for me."[/i] These two are like two peas in a pod. Adventurous spirits with a bit of flame underneath them. Dustyn knows that if there is ever an argument between her and someone else- that Tessa would be right beside her giving the person a run for their money. Tessa is only a few years younger than Dustyn but Dustyn playfully treats Tess like a child, even calling her and introducing her to people as her "baby sister". | [color=#007676]D E V L I N . C H A D W I C K[/color] {[color=0050cc]♫[/color]} | [i]"My other best friend, she treats me almost too well."[/i] On those days where Dustyn is feeling more cool, calm, and collected her home resides with Devlin. These two know how to have fun one with one another, but it's in the netflix and snacks type of way rather than jumping off bridges into the river type of way way. Dustyn is always first in line to test out Devlin's inventions, even after a few really bad mishaps. | [color=deepskyblue]W E B S T E R . O' C O N N O R[/color] {[color=008800]★[/color]} | [i]"He allows me to drag him to pretty much everything."[/i] These two crossed paths when Dustyn was feeling rather social and approached him during lunch one day. The two got to chatting and somewhere down the line she won him over enough to continue the conversation the next day, and the day after that. These two tend to be seen out and about together, especially at concerts where Webster's favorite groups are playing. She [s]might be[/s] IS a bad influence on him. | [color=#FFCAF9]B I R D I E . A P P L E S G A L E[/color] {[color=008800]★[/color]} | [i]"I'm glad I decided to step in that night."[/i] When Dustyn saw Birdie outside the venue being told she wasn't allowed to enter, Dustyn couldn't help but feel a bit of responsibility to change the direction of that girl's night. She sneaked her in with no problems and eventually the two became sort of friends. They don't really spend too much time together, but Dusty is always willing to lend a hand when it's needed.[/hider] [hider=Tier 2][h2]People I've Met & Am Learning To Love[/h2] | [color=0086b3]R H E A . P S O M A S[/color] {[color=ded16a]☯[/color]} | [i]"I'm not here to hurt you, You don't have to worry around me."[/i] These two don't know one another very well, besides in passing, though if the two were to take the time to get to know one another, they could become great friends. Dustyn can't really wrap her head around why Rhea is so worried and anxious about life, and often wishes she could get the girl to take a deep breath and enjoy a moment. Two similar souls, but on two very different paths. | [color=f39f2d]M A R C E L L A . B O N A P A R T E[/color] {[color=ded16a]☯[/color]} | [i]"I grabbed her boob once, it was nice."[/i] Marcella and Dusty aren't the closest of friends, but they have rubbed elbows out and about in the town. She accidentally grabbed her boobs from behind in a bar once, thinking that it was someone else. Dustyn lets her know about it every time they see each other. They could probably become close friends if they really put some time towards one another. | [color=darkolivegreen]H U N T E R . E M E R S O N [/color] {[color=ded16a]☯[/color]} | [i]"He replays my snapchats sometimes."[/i] While Dustyn appears to be a little bit of the intimidating side for poor Honey, he often is a good sport about her shenanigans. He and her have more fluent conversations on snap chat and text than in real life, but Dusty doesn't judge him for it. She hopes that one day he can open up a little bit more in person. She enjoys his company while she is online either way. | [color=pink]D E L I L A H . W E L L S[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"I like her name, it's quaint."[/i] These two don't really hang in the same crowd or have much to do with one another at all. She seems nice, but don't have anything bad to say about one another. The two probably won't be friends anytime soon, but you never know what could happen. Life is strange like that.[/hider] [hider=Tier 3][h2]People I've Yet To Meet & Might Love[/h2] | [color=FF003F]A D A C H I H A R A . K A Z U M A[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"My brotha from anotha motha."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=red]J O N A S . H I G H W I N D[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"His last name is highwind, like a fart or something."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=wheat]M A R I A N A . D I X O N[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"I've always liked the name Mariana"[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=6ecff6]D A L L A S . R E L O[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"I like watching him fight my brother, shirtless."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=cadetblue]R E B E K A H . C R O S S[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"Is the K in your name for kan't have fun?"[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=coral]F E L I C I T Y . U N D E R W O O D[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"Draw me like one of your french girls."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=9e0b0f]H A R A D A . D A N A[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"Cuuuute. Let me smooch ya real quick."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=0c85a3]S K Y E . W O O D S E N[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"So soft, like clouds in the skye.. get it?"[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=1DA237]Z A H E E N . I B R A H I M[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"Zaheen? Bless you! Get it, cause it sounds like a sneeze."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=FBEC5D]C E C I L Y . M E R R I C K[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"Her dad is the boss, which means I should be nice."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=mediumpurple]Z A C H A R I A H . R O T H S C H I L D[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"Another boss kid, he's kind of cute in a weird way."[/i] These two have yet to really meet. | [color=peachpuff]A V E R Y . S T R A T T O N[/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} | [i]"What a cute nickname, AJ. I like that."[/i] These two have yet to really meet.[/hider] [/hider]