[centre] [color=a0410d][i]A small boy, running away through endless corridors as fast as his little legs could carry him, followed by dark shadows, dark hands grasping for him, eventually reaching the little red haired boy, closing up into his face which was frightened.[/i][/color] With a deep breath grasping for air, Vlad woke up, but he didn't move as he was still laying down where he was. He had a disappointed look on his face and was still lost in thoughts when suddenly the words he heard before when he was dreaming shoot inside his head. [b][color=1a7b30]"So you have been challenged. In defeat, you learn. In victory you stagnate. Learn from this moment and better yourself for the next obstacle." [/color][/b] [i][color=a0410d]"Hm... I have no idea where it came from but I guess it's right"[/color][/i] he did many mistakes that fight, and relied too much on that branch attack... Wanting to go head on with someone that was physically stronger than him. [b][color=a0410d]"Tsk"[/color][/b] he uttered in frustration. But then he realized that he was still fighting the fat man and saw him continuing attacking him before his vision faded out. Expecting major pain, Vlad tried to sit up, but to his major surprise it went painlessly, in fact he never felt this good before and his energy seemed to be renewed as well. [i][color=a0410d]"W-What?.. Did the fat man do this again?"[/color][/i] He thought while observing his hands and rest of the body. But he realized it wasn't that the moment he noticed the fat man lying a few steps away from him on the ground, he seemed unconscious but blood was flowing around his wounds, healing him. A voice caught his attention, it was an unknown voice. Vlad looked up and saw a rather short boy a few meters further away, and the other side, behind the fatman was a sitting figure of a seated old man, which looked like he was meditating. Vlad could sense the familiar pressure from him he sensed before. Confused he stood up and looked at the boy again while patting parts of his clothes clean, [b][color=a0410d]" Who is that old fart? Are you with him? who are you even? How did you both get here? And what happened to the fatty?"[/color][/b] he asked in a bold tone. [/centre]