[color=#2EFE9A][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjE4YzM3OC5USFZyWlEsLC4w/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img][/center][/color] [@Dark Light][@Azereiah][@liferusher] [hr] [center][color=fff79a]"Hello friend hehe. If I can call you that at least. Are you perhaps lost? This doesn't really seem like the place for you to be I think."[/color][/center] [color=#2EFE9A]"That I am."[/color] Luke replied. [center][color=8493ca]"Hell if I know, and... Hell if I know. If you'd like to join us, though, I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed."[/color][/center] A maelstrom of expressions seeped into Luke's face, confusion, disarray and perplexity. What exactly was going on, and what was so mean to join. He looked behind him, Emi hid her face, wearing only a bikini and her name written on her forehead. Normally he'd try to keep an expressionless face but everything was just so... puzzling. He coughed, trying to regain what little re-composure he had left. Looking towards Emi once more, she was now sat down, her tongue slightly sticking out, and she was quite obviously staring at Luke. With her scribbling away, Luke concluded that she was probably drawing him; [color=#2EFE9A]"Dinner and movie first Emi."[/color] Luke joked in his wild stupor, as he pretended to hide, and make himself scarce in jest. Adjusting his glasses back onto its rightful place, he was invited to join their stretches while they chanted a mantra. Luke really did enter something weird, or atleast something he never actually did back home. All he did was train, nothing at all like they were doing. From what Luke could gather, there appeared to be some discord of sorts, but seeing as he doesn't have any context chose to ignore it. It almost seemed the Emi was a bit afraid of them. Before he followed any of their... movements, he walked up to Emi and sat next to her for a bit; [color=#2EFE9A]"... Please tell me where on earth am I right now, I'm very confused at the moment."[/color] Luke said, taking a small peek at her drawings.