[center][h2][color=8493ca]Brunhilde[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Brunhilde tilted her head in confusion for a moment at the pink-haired girl's drawing. This was new. Some sort of diary, like her own? Just a couple seconds before, the girl had seemed absolutely terrified by something-or-other, and she'd clearly been watching Brunhilde. The name tag on her forehead, the drawing of the other student, and her choice of outfit made her seem like she was completely out of it. It was clearly someone she knew, though, so... Questions. Lots of questions. But they would have to wait for later. She was sure she would get the chance to think of them again in the future. A short, calming breeze blew across Emi's face as Brunhilde gave the girl a reassuring smile. [i]You're fine.[/i] The strange (and very, very confused) boy who had appeared earlier seemed to know 'Emi' (assuming that was the girl's name). He seemed a bit on the lazy side - and perhaps as rude as she herself could be. She had no doubt that she'd get to know him at some point, and she had the feeling that she wouldn't like properly meeting him for the first time. Or meeting him for the first time for the second time. Or the third. But maybe he'd get the hang of it at some point and get it right. Jury was still out on that one, though. He was strolling into a lesson with very, very little thought as to what the result would be for the other students, and not giving so much as an apology and introduction, after all. She eyed him irritably, wondering and worrying what his next move would be. Her thoughts then turned to the teachers, who were going on about some nonsense regarding Constants and Energies. Brunhilde only knew of matter and energy, and the various forms that each could take. As far as she could tell, the Constants were simply different methods of manipulating material, whereas the Energies (as their name implied) were simply different methods of manipulating energy. Fire - thermal or kinetic energy. Lightning - electrical energy. Light - radiation. All were really just the same thing, as far as she could tell. But they felt different. She remembered having tried to manipulate water once during her earlier childhood, under the assumption that it was just much heavier air - it [i]almost[/i] worked, but it felt as though it was speaking a different language to her. And they mentioned that these were the 'core' elements - which implied there were others. Bizarre. Pointless rumination, though. The timer was running out on those thoughts, and she banished them from her mind before they distracted her further from the lesson. Vallen was doing simple stretches and warmups. Brunhilde had seen most of them before, but there were a few unusual positions scattered throughout that she was completely unfamiliar with. Perhaps something spiritual or professional elementalist related. She followed along to the best of her abilities, but for the most part, she relied upon muscle memory for the exercises, and the unusual ones threw her for a bit of a loop and ruined the rhythm she had been trying to build up. She didn't bother saying a single word. The monk acting as their teacher seemed to be the sort to take offense at even minimally interrupted lessons. [@Dark Light] [@liferusher] [@Inertia]