The Chinese operator was riding in the boat, sat right next Blacktail as she pointed her ACR out the side of the boat. Unlike the Canadian operator next to her, she was squinting to deal with the ocean spraying in her face. She was carrying goggles in her rucksack, but the ride wasn't going to be that long so Olivia opted to deal with the ocean spray. It was nice to have water on her face that wasn't being poured over a towel. The operator stayed patient, breathing calmly and maintaining her composure, despite it being her very first operation with this task force. It reminded her of her SAS days, executing operations that not even the British Parliament knew about. The only knowledge of those operations remained within those who were involved. One nice thing about being a part of Echo was that she didn't have to deal with wearing those gas masks. She was decked out very similarly to her colleagues, the only difference was that she was the only one wearing a short sleeved shirt. It was personal preference, given the climate of the region. Her helmet had a pair of night vision goggles mounted on it, so that she had an easy time seeing in the dark. Plate carrier, Crye combat pants, 5-11 rucksack, Olivia's preferred equipment to her exact specifications. Crazy how they got everything down to the tiniest little detail. Once the boat had hit the shore, she had jumped off and regrouped with her squad, kneeling close to Merlin as she checked her weapon, making sure that a round was chambered. The ACR was a weapon Olivia had taken quite a liking to ever since she fired the first round of 6.8 SPC out of it. She had it outfitted, hybrid sight, AN-PEQ 15, silencer, and an angled foregrip. But based on the sound of what Merlin was getting at, maybe the ACR wasn't the best tool for this particular objective. The only other weapon she had was her Sig Sauer. She let the rifle rest on her back, pulling out her Swiss-made pistol and pulling the slide. Hopefully the rest of her squad had a similar idea. Just waltzing in with a silenced pistol and a knife, slitting throats and sending .40 S&W rounds through their heads. It wasn't a pretty sight but it was something the whole Task Force was used to doing. They were trained to do things that most people couldn't handle to do. What traumatized most would just be another day at the office for these people. Olivia pulled a silencer out from her vest and attached it onto her Sig Sauer, then unsheathing her knife and positioning it right underneath her gun. "Ready when you are, Merlin."