[quote=@Phantomlink959] What I do have is a full year of experience running a RWBY roleplay, and almost two years of ongoing experience studying and working with every minute detail of the setting. My reasons for not applying are rather extensive, with the primary one being that while i was debating whether I would do so, and which character I would use, enough others applied that I figured it would be pointless. If you'll look back, most if not all of the comments I have made were advisement based on personal experience of ways to ensure consistency with the canon to the closest possible degree. [/quote] That is super and all, but it also falls down to irrelevancy. Let's not forget this is an Alternate Universe Rp. While it might share the world to a larger degree, you cannot just go "Consistently canon." More power to you for liking such a thing, that is super actually... But it isn't your rp. And you come off as really pretentious... That is like me going into anything you're running and giving you a know it all response to everything. "No 'A' should be like this and that." This isn't me being a bitch, but what you did was kind of rude, especially since everyone here just wants to have fun. Last Edit, I swear: I'm fine with the color naming rule. Except the fact Sun Wukong exist in RWBY. A Chinese Deity... Then Ozpin, Salem (Which is a location...), and just... These things take a flying monkey shit dump on that rule with the canon. When characters in the source material shit on it, why can't I? Why can't everyone? I don't have to follow it when these characters deliberately just ignore it (In the canon no less). Hell... Oooblec is named after a nonexistant color (Dr.Suss would like to have some words with you) no less.