Part of the naming rule is that the name also needs to make one think of a colour. Sun Wukong makes you think of yellow and monkeys. Sun monkeys. I don't think it goes against the ruling as a result. And Phantom you speculated on joining for so long that the cutoff ended by the time you decided and now you just don't want to admit you messed up. You mention a year of GMing a RWBY RP in an attempt to appeal to experience, to make yourself desireable, you say your reasons for not applying are "extensive", as an attempt to suggest we're doing something wrong, but you don't mention anything because you don't have anything solid, or are just bluffing. All your input has been overenthusiastic and acting like you're better. Take this from someone with several years of experiencing RPing, half of that as a GM. Many times have I actually done things similar to what you're doing now in the past. When you join an RP, fall in line. If you don't like how the GM has set things out, you simply leave and don't look back. If you have anything you think might improve the RP... Send the GM a PM instead of bringing it up in OOC.