[quote=@CAS1006] Last Edit, I swear: I'm fine with the color naming rule. Except the fact Sun Wukong exist in RWBY. A Chinese Deity... Then Ozpin, Salem (Which is a location...), and just... These things take a flying monkey shit dump on that rule with the canon. When characters in the source material shit on it, why can't I? Why can't everyone? I don't have to follow it when these characters deliberately just ignore it (In the canon no less). Hell... Oooblec is named after a nonexistant color (Dr.Suss would like to have some words with you) no less. [/quote] Ozpin I believe is stated to predate the war that inspired people to start naming their children after colors, probably the same with salem, assuming that's the name she was born with. Also Sun isn't the first to be named after a deity, i mean hell Neptune is on his team, Nora's last name is based on the women who brought warriors to valhalla