[@Sho Minazuki] THIS! THIS! Perfectly put. And even if it isn't the naming convention that is bothering him for whatever reason. He still has no reason to post his "Ideal Character sheet." And the color rule. Like, everyone here knows it, and the GM even said he wasn't enforcing it since the interest check. There is NO point of posting a link to it. Like he did so two to three days ago. It is all so... contradictory. Especially as you put it "He could have just posted to the GM in a PM." Like, ever since his first post, it seems like he wanted to man handle this, despite... Since the Interest Check... "Alternate Universe.". I'm not even upset. It is just me going. "Why is he here? What is your purpose of being on this OOC? If you wanted to apply, you would have requested a spot... The very first post." So it isn't a matter of "extensive". He's either busy, or he isn't. He wants to, or does not want to. It just... It isn't logical. [quote=@The Fox Without] Ozpin I believe is stated to predate the war that inspired people to start naming their children after colors, probably the same with salem, assuming that's the name she was born with. Also Sun isn't the first to be named after a deity, i mean hell Neptune is on his team, Nora's last name is based on the women who brought warriors to valhalla [/quote] That is fair, but still. Ooblec is named after a Dr.Suss entity. Which isn't even a real color like most characters are named after to some degree. (I say to some degree, because again, if we had to be ultra technical and what not, four of these characters are not quite fitting in some areas in the canon, but it is a big whatever to me. It just furthers the point of the rule should not be enforced. Not that we are.) ________________________ I apologize to everyone else on this if I seem very ranty at the moment. But you can see my reasoning above why I am very irked a bit.