My reasons for not eventually applying; Deciding which of the 20 or so student characters in my personal library to use Adapting backstory to justify that character moving to this new kingdom, or otherwise placing them in that location. Spending three days without sleeping for some reason which i'm still trying to figure out which made it difficult to do the previous things Converting characters from their archived sheets onto the provided template, which would have required shaving down a LOT of details And a bunch of more trivial IRL details which reduced the amount of free time I had available over the last couple weeks. While I did miss the deadline, it is not a simple matter of trying to save face, I wasn't particularly interested in playing which delayed me in deciding which character to use, cascading into other events mentioned. The reason I'm here is because Fox pointed me this way, thinking I might be interested, and I figured while I was here I could provide some insight based on my own experience running a similar game. Sorry for causing trouble, and sorry for seeming aggressive/condescending. My intents were not mean spirited, merely misguided.