Honestly, Luciel had been frozen in his hesitation, waiting for a move and not even noticing Gish had left before feeling the impact of the flute against his back. It was as good enough of an incentive to spring back to life, kicking his feet up out of Victor's grasp to flip backwards onto his feet. While he had intended on using Victor as cover from whatever threat that was now unseen, he reached for the flute before Gish dashed to retrieve it before running off into the tall grass. It didn't take much to get the hint as he'd much rather be anywhere else than in the possible range of attention of the ghastly creature. Luciel wasn't opposed to sacrificing either Rose or the knight, Victor, in the hope of escape. Frankly, he trusted the smaller humanoid creature 'Gish' far more than either of the other humans, going so far as to whisper the tiny prayer to fade into the meek shade of the brush. Granted, the minor illusion had little effect in the rays of light cast down from the hole in the cave ceiling, but it made him feel that much better as he chased Gish. Crossbow still in hand and armed, he dared to look back long enough to at least attempt to assess the situation. However, the motion drew his attention away from the obstacle which the lady had ran into, causing him to also stumble over the sprawled bodies and collapse in the shallow water. This was enough, in his panic, to send him a bit over the edge, thrashing and clawing his way the mere few feet onto dry land. Clinging to a fistful of tall grass, he rolled onto his back with the weapon propped on a knee and aiming at the third figure which had impeded their escape. "Th-who...?" he hissed, confused with fingers tensing on the trigger while aimed at William, hesitantly directing the armament back where they came while curiously listening to the human. An ear tilted to the side, perplexed how there could be another person living in such a place...though maybe they owned the cabin? It would certainly make the task of finding refuge easier if they could simply ask those it belonged to, or take it by force. Their fearful claims that they didn't taste good put the chimera at odds, curious what they had experienced to the point where they would assume the two were here to eat him. "Vh-vhat are you doink here?" he quickly asked in a hushed tone, trying not to spook the person by making sure they weren't aiming [i]directly[/i] at him. "...E-ehn who...ehrm" he tried to begin, figuring it may not be in the best interest of the situation to be too demanding. Regardless, based on the fragment of the question, Luciel assumed the young human got the jist of his question.