[center][h1][color=fff79a] 🌹🐈Luna Summers🐈 🌹[/color][/h1][/center] A soft breeze brushed against Luna’s face as she closed her eyes to enjoy the peaceful setting. There was absolutely no sound to disturb her, except that of her breath. She even had a silent, shining guardian standing watch above her. This was as close to Heaven as she could get. If Luna didn’t have to attend class, she’d easily spend her whole year locked up here. No one would even miss her. But alas, things never went her way. Sighing, she continued to focus on her art book, until a deafening blast of sound attacked her ear. Of course, of course. What was she thinking? There was the annual first assembly of the school year. Luna glanced at her suitcase, and grumbled in annoyance. She didn’t think anyone would take her belongings, plus risking being late would not be a good start to the year. Just to be safe though, Luna grabbed her backpack, full of art supplies and many of her art books, and began heading downstairs. By the time she arrived, most of the bleachers were already full. Silence haunted her steps as she went past several students, most of whom leaned far away from her. The typical set of whispers grew in the air, but Luna continued all the way to the back row. There was a time events like this used to make her cry. Not anymore. It was strange how easily one got used to the harassment of her peers. She supposed crying all the time got too depressing. As the headmaster made his typical speech about the school year, he welcomed students to make introductions. How anyone had the courage to do so, was beyond her. Just thinking about walking up to the platform made her shiver. She watched silently as several students rose to the occasion. While she hated to admit it, Luna was slightly jealous at how easy it was for them to walk across the stage in front of the entire student body and speak. Sighing, she kept her head down and waited for the ceremony to finish.