As I recovered, they seemed less threatening the further they spoke. I'd lower my guard just a bit to speak up, gathering what courage I had. "My name is William, I-I think. No I don't have anything to do with this place. Or, at least that I'm aware of. I woke up in the hallway and I was rather thirsty, I-I saw you guys..and I..thought you were monsters or i needed the water so I tried sneaking down he-here." I said in a nervous matter, my paranoia increasing when the much larger, third stranger approach and spoke up. I couldn't explain it, but something about his mere presence gave off red flags in my head. However what confused me was their demeanor, as I was expecting to be attacked by monsters they seemed almost, if not just as, confused of the place as I was. While it could be a mere ploy for malicious creatures to lower my guard, I did so regardless, just a bit at least. Standing up from the rock and rubbing the back of my head before pulling my dark hood over my snow-white hair. It just dawned onto me how strangely malevolent my attire seemed, dark robes with various red markings and a hood to match isn't exactly the most friendly of clothing. Looking at my sleeves I looked back up to the group before stammering. "O-oh sorry no I'm not a monster either!"