War... War never changes... But people do... based on the roads one travels... But there are some roads in life...ONE MUST NEVER TRAVEL!!! ----- Come travelers, Take a seat around the fire. Let its fire scare away the darkness of this moonless night. Listen to a tall tale of an old wander. I come from a place far from here. Far to the South and far to the east. From a place surrounded by Ocean on three sides tucked underneath the main of the continent. Back in the old days, Before the war, When the good old US of A still stood proudly, the Place was known collectively as the State of Florida. I cannot say I ever know why it was called that. You see I am a survivor of those nightmare lands. Among the first to leave vault 122, first to stumble on vault 38. That number still haunts my dreams. Thirty Eight. Inside the ruins of Vault 38, we found a miracle of science. The fabled G.E.C.K. OH!? Never heard of a G.E.C.K.? It stands for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. It was a world changing device. Able to create rainforests out of deserts. Restore the world as it was before the war, before the bomb. It was the pinnacle of Human technological prowess. Well, at least of anything before the Great War. Possible, after too. Doubt the Enclave could build one if they wanted to. Anyways, Before I get sidetracked, The G.E.C.K. is not what it is advertised to be. Vault City got lucky. Project Purity got Lucky. But you must believe me, Humans were exiled from Eden. We were never supposed to go there again. When we activated the device, it was not Eden, but Pandora's Box. Florida returned to lush green but it was wrong. Monsters, demons, and all kinds of horrors sprung forth. Never go to Florida. This wasteland seems peaceful in comparison... but, if you do, destroy the G.E.C.K! ---------------------- Ok, I kinda got carried away with the theatrics. A Garden of Eden Creation Kit has been activated in Florida. An Irradiated G.E.C.K. actually. Any Fallout fans should imagine what terrible things an irradiated piece of terraforming equipment would be like. Nothing good came from radiation. Well, maybe ghouls, if you are into that. We will be going to destroy the G.E.C.K. and stop the spread of this post apocalyptic terror that is the Everglades. You can be from any faction (or not) the east or West Coast. If you are from the West Coast, you need to be able to justify you crossing the entire US to get to Florida. Any Questions? Anyone interested? ---------- Anyways, as far as the kind of monsters given life here are but a few. Alligators grow as large as Cars. Snakes grow aware from 15 to thirty feet long. This jungle land has a unique breed of Giant ants. Primarily black in color, its workers grow to be the size of a dog. Warriors can get to stand six feet while on all 6 legs. Workers will spray a flammable tar-like substance as a defense mechanism before fleeing. Warriors are able to breath fire which can ignite the tar. Dragonflies are common in the jungles, though they now are as large as eagles. Beetles now grow up to the size of small house cats. Now, not all threats are unique to the Post war everglades. Deathclaws take on a sickly shade of green as they stalk prey through the trees. Radroaches of course exist. Yuoi Gui have made their nests within the safety of the greenery. Large cats and dogs also roam here. A variety of Green Geckos exist here as well. They hunt in packs and can if in large enough numbers be bold enough to challenge a deathclaw. Supermutants have found a natural home here. Their large size makes survival easier. They have socially devolved into stick wielding savages mostly. They hunt and gather to support a tribal lifestyle. They are less threatening to humans than other areas because humans have too little meat compared to other jungle critters. Now, if radiation and animal life was not enough, you should take a look at the plants. Many of the fruit bearing plants do not like their delicious fruits being stolen. When a fruit is plucked, the plant will release a poisonous mist to kill the would be plunderer. Some plants do eat meat. There are several Venus fly trap like plants that lure animals inside. Other plants stay still until movement awakes them and they grab with veins to slowly devour their prey. Not all plants are stationary. Some get up and hunt like animals. These walking trees are called Ents. Another plant type to be avoided is a parasite that infects those who do not have proper access to medicine. It spores buries itself under the skin and begins to grow. First symptoms is skin irritation followed by Flowers coming out of the skin. The plant then slowly takes over the host and eventually turnes the host into something akin to the spore carriers out of Vault 22 in Nevada. When the host corpse eventually dies, the plant takes roots wherever it falls. ---- Please place your CS in the OOC for approval before posting it in the CS thread. Name: Alias: (Like the lone wanderer, Courier 6, Sole Survivor, Vault dweller. Every hero is know as something) Age: (Be reasonable for your race. Ghouls could have existed since before the war while Synths are new to the environment.) Gender: Race: (Primarily human, but i will allow Ghoul, Supermutant, or Synth to be playable) Primary Skills*: (Pick three from the games.) SPECIAL*: (You start of with 1 point in each of the special stats. You then have 33 aditional points to distribute among the seven different stats. You may not have more than 10 points in any one stat.) Gear/inventory: (At most three weapons based on their weight. If you carry a fat man, it is likely to carry a second large weapon unless you are a super mutant.) History: (Why did you come to FLorida?) ----- *These have more of a roleplay use than actually gameplay mechanics. Just because you have chosen to use to specialist in energy weapons it does not forbid you from picking up an ax and hitting your enemy with it. But if your strength is low, do not be so naive to think that you can take on a supermutant in a arm wrestling contest.