[hider=Black Widow] [b]Name[/b]: Lily O'Hare [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Lily isn't too stall, standing just above 5 feet with slightly tanned skin. She weighs in at about 110 lbs, with hazel eyes and dark brown hair. [hider=Portrait] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/52e6/i/2011/339/4/c/05_12_2011_by_furtivelungs-d4i9023.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Bio[/b]: Lily was born and raised in New Jersey to a typical middle class family. She is the oldest of two daughters, with Jessica, her younger sister, trailing her by 3 years. Lily grew up with the desire to become a neurosurgeon after one of her childhood friends had to have a life-saving procedure, and from that moment forward a lot of her free time was spent reading scientific journals for fun. In high school, Lily took AP classes just to get ahead on her studies and enter college a little bit early. Unfortunately for her, adulthood was a lot different than what she had in mind. She married her boyfriend of 5 years, Carl, at the ripe age of 19, and things took a sour turn from there as Carl revealed to be a completely different person after the two had gotten married. She suffered both verbal and physical abuse constantly, but her reluctance to speak up came from the fact that he threatened not just her, but her family as well. It was then Lily decided to seek help elsewhere...and now, a couple of years later, with Carl dead as well as her mother, she takes the law into her own hands and kills whoever is a threat to a another fellow human being. [b]Personality[/b]: Lily is a bit eccentric, her personality changing depending on the situation. During social gatherings, expect her to be cheerful and talkative, unless someone manages to piss her off to the point of no return, then her entire day (and night) will be ruined. When out in costume, she's the quiet observer stalking her prey. The less people she comes in contact with, the better. [b]Vigilante Name[/b]: Black Widow [b]Costume[/b]: (blue eyes not included) [hider=Image] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b5/d0/bf/b5d0bf131f165dcbe7ea42611bbba5b8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Abilities/Skills[/b]: Hand-to-hand combat, a good shot with bow and arrow as well as firearms, intermediate free-running skills. [b]Equipment[/b]: Lily carries a bow and a pack of arrows on her back, a handgun, and a switchblade when the kill becomes a little more personal for her. [b]Alignment[/b]: True neutral. [b]Reputation[/b]: To the many victims she's saved, Lily is their guardian angel. To a smaller amount of people, she's just another law-breaking criminal whose reckless behavior causes more harm than good. [b]Accord Compliance[/b]: Lily believes in an eye for an eye, and the Accord is just another document that gets in her way. [/hider] Not the longest CS, but I prefer her full backstory to be revealed in the game.