I'll likely put a limit on how many metahumans are in the RP, but either one could work after edits are made for the little stuff. Madcap could tie into the Jokerz street gang and be a villainess, or just doing her own thing Harley Q style, etc. The second character seems a lot like Raven and I can dig that. Here's the CS model for any interested parties. Remember you can be hero or villain, or even something else entirely like a civilian reporter, police officer, hell maybe you wanna be a fire fighter and have a grudge against the arsonist Firefly... could be anything! Name: Alias: Age: Powers/Skills: Weaknesses: Alignment: [hero or villain, walking the line, civilian] Personality: [5 words best describing your character] Appearance: [pic or description] BRIEF Bio: Storylines: [What do you have in mind for your character?] Notes: [anything else you need to tell us?] _______________________________________ Name: Josiah 'J' Walker Alias: Overwatch Age: 20 Powers/Skills: Has light weight body armor, a tech glove that's basically a five fingered laptop that can jack into anything, hacking skills, good with anything involving tech. He's also good at sneaking around and being stealthy. Weaknesses: Average human weaknesses. His light armor only protects him from small arms fire. Certain areas vulnerable to bladed weapons, and heavy arms fire can rip through the armor. Never gets enough sleep, always up late on the computer or tinkering with his glove. Average h2h skills for someone with little to no training. He's watched 'Rocky' like a hundred times and a huge fan of ex-boxer Ted Grant. Alignment: Hero Personality: Honest, blunt, scatter brained, impatient, tired Appearance: [see current avatar] BRIEF Bio: Storylines: * Barbara and Dick were the only sidekicks in this universe, so J will fall into the role that was once Babs' and get access to the Belfry early on. * I want to go up against the Calculator and a couple hired goons [like Deadshot and maybe... Capt. Boomerang?]. No idea what the details would be at this point LOL * Babs and maybe a hero with more exp than J can train him in h2h and he'll begin carrying a baton as a weapon. Notes: [maybe if I think of something...] ~KL~