[@Moonman][@Grey Star]: Blazblue on you two. I'll move in the next day or so. Graduation ceremony and all that. [@Arty Fox]: Uh... Hrm. This... Confuses me... So is the character, like, a Mii or something? Because a lot of what you're saying is implying 'Mii' here. And, uh... Well, I don't think a Mii fits in very well given what we have. There are still issues if they're an actual HUMAN, though. For example, to say nothing of the fact that it's the Marioverse clashed with a version of Earth (though thankfully not that crappy movie version)... Well, 'Smash Tournament' applies it might be better to say it's connected to the Smashverse. But that aside... It's just... I dunno, pretty out-of-place considering the lineup that exists. Your character has a lot more of that 'comedic' aspect that doesn't quite mesh as well into the setting. It's the more slapstick-y kind of comedic in my eyes than the more subdued stuff we have going on, which... Yeah. Also, we arrive at another problem that conflicts with what I have in place: the existence of a Smashverse as a whole. It is... Very... Awkward for future applicants if the Smashverse is taken, because a good chunk of Nintendo franchises other than SMB (ex: Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Kirby, LoZ, etc;) and some non-Nintendo franchises nowadays (Street Fighter, MGS, Sonic, etc;) are also relevant therein, and rightly so. If it's reassigned there, then it tosses some logistical inconsistencies in... And also rules out a bunch of places for the future. So yeah. Problems abound. [hr] BY THE WAY. RE crew: After Mithias and Artorias chat, you're free to timeskip to your next location.