[center] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/60b1/i/2014/001/e/9/a_world_ablaze_by_nuclearsnailstudios-d70g5ck.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Patches Rutledge, [i]The Treasure Hunter[/i]; 22[/b] [b][u]Primary Skills[/u]:[/b] Survival, Small Guns, Speech [b][u]SPECIAL[/u][/b] [b]S[/b]: 3 [b]P[/b]: 7 [b]E[/b]: 5 [b]C[/b]: 6 [b]I[/b]: 6 [b]A[/b]: 6 [b]L[/b]: 7 [hider=Inventory] [list] Leather armor Deathclaw Tooth Necklace Goggles leather gloves backpack with a change of clothes Anything I forgot to mention that's in the picture 10mm pistol hunting rifle combat knife canteen for water a small journal with a few pencils several bobby pins a few cans of food a few strips of brahmin jerky a silver, flip lighter [/list] [/hider] [hider=History] Patches grew up in the coastal region referred to as Charlie's Town. Though, no one quite knows who Charlie is or how he claims ownership of the vast, South Carolina area. He, Patches, was born in the city of The Citadel, built in and around what was once a military college, where he lived with his family; mom, dad, sister, and a brother. Being the middle child, Patches felt like an outsider in his family. He took to wading through the public library of The Citadel. There, he befriended the librarian, a crazy old man who had the energy of a toddler but the body of a dying scholar. Though his family was not poor, they certainly were not rich either as they took to living in The Dogs Den, a slum area in The Citadel, close to the Ashley River of Charlie's Town. His dad was the Dogs Den's resident doctor, having learned how to care for others from his own father, while Patches' mom spent her days working in the diner closer to the center of town. His older sister, after attending class taught by militia, would hang out with her friends while Patches and his younger brother kept to themselves. And that's how they lived for a while. Patches would spend as much time as he could in the library with the old scholar, learning of times since gone, and of the wars people had fought. And the adventures they had. He eventually happened upon a, somehow still in tact, biography of a man named Heinrich Schliemann. A German archaeologist, or treasure hunter, who found locations mentioned in an old poem about war in Greece. Patches fell in love with the idea of doing what he did. There was so much to see of the world, though it was certainly dangerous, and he grew tired of seeing it through the eyes of writers. He wanted to see it with his own eyes. This thought led to him venturing to different parts of The Citadel, finding all the nooks and crannies he could, eavesdropping on people, tailing others, climbing the buildings, he was a true explorer of the city. But as he grew older, after his mother died from a robbery, he felt he had outgrown his adventuring tendencies. His friends had convinced him to join the militia, to defend another robbery from taking someone else's mother. Although, as soon as he had finished his training, one of his friends, Jet Set, ran to his group gasping for breath. "I've found s-s-something wicked!" He said, "A place full of shiny shit!" It piqued everyone's interest, especially the adventurer inside of Patches. It was agreed that after graduation, they would spend their last free day outside of The Citadel; to find where Jet Set had found treasure. They immediately got lost. Traveling the winding streets of the urban jungle that was Charlie's Town, each having only cadet weapons, they decided to rest inside an apartment building. That's when the raiders attacked. Faces painted white with powder and giant poofy wigs, the raiders took out half of them before they too were killed. Now only a group of three, Patches began to have second thoughts on finding the treasure but he couldn't let his friends die in vain. Together, he, Jet Set, and Carlos Vasquez ventured towards the Charleston museum. But Jet had failed to mention the Deathclaw. Immediately, Carlos was killed as Patches and Jet ran through the museum as quick as they could to hide. Three days passed as they hid in the museum, the Deathclaw having them trapped, until they heard gunfire. Peeking their head out, they saw Patches' dad, Jet's uncle, and a few militia men calling for them. Sadly, they didn't know of the Deathclaw. The fight broke out, if you could call it a fight, as the Deathclaw killed the militia men while sustaining heavy injuries. Eventually only Patches' dad was left, he couldn't sit back and watch his father die, so he and Jet ran forward to kill the beast with a dilapidated spear cavemen used to use. Right through the heart, the spear went, but not before the Deathclaw had its claws in the chest of Patches' dad. He died a few minutes after. Both of them feared what had happened from their excursion but both knew they had to go back to tell the tale. Patches took the tooth of the Deathclaw, the only treasure he deserved from this trip, as they left the museum to go back home. They were met with a scolding, punished for leaving the city but ultimately everyone was glad someone had made it back alive. Both of them were kicked out from the militia, though, as they were deemed too unruly for enlistment. Broken and traumatized, Patches and Jet did what they could to earn caps around The Citadel. Eventually Patches' sister joined the militia, after their dad died, and quickly rose through the ranks to lead campaigns into other parts of the region to recruit others into The Citadel. His little brother grew ill, though, and became too sick to leave his bed. Fearing that they hadn't the money to pay for his health, Patches had to turn to scavenging to trade to keep his brother alive. Over time, his brother would get better, Jet would leave as nothing was left for him, and Patches' sister would return claiming to have seen true horrors far north. With her suffering from PTSD, Patches was now the man of the house. His younger brother was still too weak to do much physical work and his sister spent most of her time drinking away what she had seen. Scavenging had not proved fruitful for Patches, so he turned to the last thing he could...gambling. He was good at it. A little [i]too[/i] good. He soon garnered the attention of a local crime boss who wanted him to play with his money, quadruple what he gave him, or he would oust Patches as a cheat and criminal. He already had a bad reputation around town, so Patches played the game. He played, and he lost. Big time. Furious, Don O'Donovan beat him senseless and took him out of town to kill him. But when he reached the outskirts of town, he saw Patches' look and gave him a warning. "Next time I see you, you either have my money...or you and your brother and sister are dead." Fantastic. He was now exiled from Charlie's Town, The Citadel, and had to leave his family behind lest they die. He promised he would return to get revenge on Don O'Donovan, pay off his debt, help his family, and gain respect; he just needed to find a way to do that. He scavenged up and down the east coast until he came to a small town where a man said untold riches were kept in a place deep south. It was the most dangerous place in the world, but also the richest. The ultimate place to hunt for treasure...Florida. [/hider] [/center]