[hider=Vindicator] [center][h3]Mason Richards[/h3] [b]Vigilante name:[color=ed1c24] Vindicator[/color][/b] [img]http://galeri2.uludagsozluk.com/321/yuri-boyka_350096.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Mason is a tall, in shape man. He stands 6'3 (193 cms), his frame is sturdy from years of constant exercise and training. Physically he's comparable to a linebacker, weighing 235 pounds, a lot of which is muscle. He has a couple of tattoos, the most noticeable being the star on his front left shoulder. [b]Bio:[/b] Mason was born to a lower class household in a rough part of the city. His dad was an alcoholic who would often beat Nason or his poor mother. He hated his father and was almost happy when he died years later. He was an okay student, got good enough grades to graduate high school but often got in trouble for fights or talking back to teachers. At the age of eighteen he join the US Navy, intent on becoming a Navy SEAL. He met all the requirements and went through the legendarily rough training. Mason never considered himself a quitter and made it all the way through training. Still to this day he will say it was the hardest thing that he had ever done, but he did it and became a full fledged SEAL. His time within the SEALs is not something he talks about often, or is allowed to talk about. He learned many skills that would become the foundation of his later career as a superhero. During his time in the Navy he underwent raids and missions mostly against terrorist organizations, and earned a reputation as a dependable, efficient soldier. He would spend six years as a SEAL before he was honorably discharged in 2005. Mason moved to Ankora that same year, taking up a job in construction. He took an interest in the vigilante craze and almost tried to join The Peacekeepers when they disbanded a year later. When the Vigilance accord came through he decided that was time for him to become a 'hero'. He crafted a persona as a crime-fighter, and registered with the government as Vindicator. His time with the SEALs was big into allowing this as it helped him acquire his equipment. He started off with a stereotypical vigilante outfit, a leather clothing, a mask and a kevlar vest. Vindicator become more entwined with the government which lead to them gifting him his armor. He's essentially taken on a dual role as a crime-fighter and government agent, often doing dirty work for them without question. He isn't allowed to talk about his missions under the government, but the paychecks are more than enough for him to agree to each one. Since then he has earned a reputation as one of the most well known government aligned superheros. The public likes him for his swift and brutal dealing of crime. He admits to enjoying the fame, but the money he gets even more. [b]Personality:[/b] Mason is kind of a complicated man to understand. He's a government registered superhero that fights crime. But his main motivation for doing so is the payment, though he'll easily confess to the fact that he enjoys combat. His next motivation is self preservation. He's entirely concerned with only his own well being, willingly acting selfish to get himself ahead. That's pretty much what he does, what is right for himself. He doesn't harm innocents or commit crimes, but is brutal to his targets. Whatever will get the job done is something he will consider. He's a man with few real friends, in part due to his cynical outlook as he doesn't trust others. He'll use people and then toss them aside, lying easily the whole way. But Mason isn't an unfriendly man, he often quips jokes and respects strength. He enjoys the vices of life, a good cigar, a beautiful women and a stiff drink. He doesn't really care about the government, or the work they pay him to do, he just goes along with it because they pay him a lot. [b]Costume:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/1AfeW7X.jpg?1]Mason's costume[/url] is more comparable to a suit of armor, especially in appearance. It was built for him by his government handlers, a sign of gratitude for unquestioned service. The suit is made of a sturdy metal alloy and protects him from small arms fire, shrapnel and most melee attacks. But it is not invincible and can rupture under intense duress. The armor cannot take heavier firepower, explosions can badly damage it as well as more powerful firearms such as shotguns and sniper rifles. The helmet has night and thermal vision, allowing him to see what the normal human cannot. The visor is made of bulletproof glass and it also has a small oxygen supply within it in the event Mason is doused in toxic gas or submerged. There is enough air for thirty minutes of breathing. The armor itself built to be lightweight, only slightly hindering Mason's movement, he is very used to wearing it. [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [list] [*] His body is in top shape, comparable to a professional athlete. Decently quick on his feet even with his armor on and a solid climber. [*] He is trained in the usage of firearms, Mason is an accurate shot who knows how to handle guns. [*] He's a fearsome close range combatant, while in the military he was taught martial arts, once he became a vigilante he seeked to learn more. His armor helps in melee combat, the hard metal of it adds force to his punches and kicks. [*] He has a tactical mind, always approaching situations with a plan in mind. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] HK MP5-N submachine gun - His main weapon of choice, uses thirty round clips chambered in 9mm rounds. It's a relativly compact weapon that fires 800 rounds per minute with front and rear iron sights. It had three firing modes, fully automatic, burst fire and semi automatic. Mason has also attached a laser pointer to the weapon's handguard. [*] Ithaca 37 pump action shotgun - For when Vindicator needs to pack more of a punch. The weapon that he carries has a 13' barrel and fires 12 gauge shells, he has also attached a flashlight to the bottom of it. In addition to taking out enemies with it, the shotgun is a solid way to breach locked doors. [*] [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/vietnam-combat-drop-point-knife-silver-blade-a17-bk510.jpg]Combat knife[/url] [*] Five tear gas grenades [*] Three sets of handcuffs [*] grappling hook [/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] His alignment is a bit hard to nail down, he'd fall somewhere between [b]Neutral Evil[/b] and [b]Lawful Evil[/b]. He works for the government and willingly does dirty work for them, but only for the money. He has no problems killing enemies, but does not kill innocents unless it is unavoidable. He also doesn't needlessly commit crimes. He'll betray people if it advances himself or his goals. But he also actively fights crime, mostly because he gets paid for it and he enjoys the action. [b]Reputation:[/b] Vindicator is a well known hero throughout the community, he's been doing it for a while now and his government alignment is known of. Criminals fear him because he does not show them mercy and seems to take an enjoyment out of hurting them. Civilians look up to him because he is incredibly tough on criminals. His real motivation (payment) is not widely known amongst the general public, they think he does it to protect them. [b]Accord Compliance:[/b] Vindicator complies fully with the Accord. He works for the government completely, often doing tasks for them beyond simple street heroism. He gets a very nice paycheck to do whatever they ask. [/hider] I went with a government sponsored hero, the sheet is still a huge work in progress. Perhaps he could hunt down some of the vigilante heroes? He'd have no problem with it as long as he gets paid for it, might even enjoy the action.