“Well, that was… simple.” The Archivist had not expected the sudden forfeiture of his foe, nor the instant teleportation and rejuvenation, followed by the immediate teleportation to the next field of battle. It was all rather baffling, and to a creature like the Archivist that was more worrying than a barrage of arrows. The spider-like being took stock of his arena, his four unnatural eyes scouring the lake he had been deposited on the shore of. It was wide, to be sure, and he had no particular longing to enter its watery embrace. Rather, he began to scan the strange waters with his Data-pad, and slowly began to make his way across its shore, clockwise, assuming he would eventually have to run across his foe, or catch them floundering in the water. He made a strange sight, the human torso attached to a spider’s body like some grotesque centaur. Few had met with the Archivist’s species, the Akarid, and lived to tell the tale. Perhaps this new foe would be one of the few? Or perhaps one of the many…