[h2][center][color=ed1c24]Lugft Huron[/color][/center][/h2] [sub][center][color=ed1c24][s]Master[/s] Husband to Aerienna Cassiel [@RomanAria] and Atallia Faeron [@NarcissisticPotato][/color][/center][/sub] Lugft sighed happily as he stared out his window into the morning sun... it was good to be him this morning. He turned back to look at his bed, his two brides were there, both still asleep and no doubt recovering from their... nuptials. He chuckled quietly, but did not have the time to wait for them to awake for he was hungry. He quickly dressed, a pair of breeches, a loose and open chested shirt and his boots. Her flung open his door, whistling happily as he walked down the hallways and corridors of Castle Drakenhof. As he did however, he noticed a somewhat higher number of guards than usual, as well as several open rooms, with bloodstains about them. Clearly a few Drakke had decided to attack their enemies during their time with brides, how clever Lugft thought. He supposed they would be at their most vulnerable then... it only made sense. Regardless he moved on, no more than a cursory glance to the guards. It wasn't long before he arrived in the banquet hall, smiling as he sat down at one of the large tables, the servants quickly moving to provide him with a morning meal. He smiled, drinking th wine they provided him. Today he would take his brides back to Huron manor, their new home for the rest of their lives. He leaned back in his chair, and wondered if the other Lords were as satisified as he was with their choice of brides.