[center][color=E07A14][h2]Luca Graham[/h2][/color][/center] With perfect timing, Luca’s next roommate came into their shared room. They looked like the type that could pass as either male or female. He was curious and didn’t quite know what to make of the new addition, but he also didn’t want to be rude and straight up ask. The first words out of their mouth was an innuendo off the blonde’s words. Of course, Luca didn’t mind. But then, they commented about Vermillion and him being attractive. Was that a normal thing to say in casual conversation? The senior didn’t particularly think so, but his two new roommates seemed to find it just fine. Luca didn’t even get to introduce himself. Vermilion did it for him. He just simply smiled and waved when his name was mentioned. He also made sure to say [color=E07A14]“Hey.”[/color] It seemed as though his room was going to be quite lively between his two new roommates. Did she just say party? Oh boy, just how frequent would these parties be? Also how can you have a party is such a small room? However, Luca didn’t get the chance to ask these questions since the intercom came on and a familiar old voice announced orientation. Before the announcement even finished, the more energetic roommate had taken off like it was the end of the world. Yesh, why was she in such a rush? Once the announcement was done, Luca strolled over to the door, just about to exit. Just before he passed the threshold, he turned his head over to the remaining person in the room, [color=E07A14]“You comin’?”[/color] He asked, before continuing his way to the assembly hall. Once he arrived, he found some of his old friends to sit next to. They had taken a back row and ushered him over. They all merely chatted while whoever was on the podium was talking. Some of his friends seemed to have an amazing summer, then again, those people were kinda rich. When Vermilion got on stage, Luca paused his story. [color=E07A14]“Hey, that’s one of my roommates.”[/color] He commented. The small group all looked up at once to see the slim girl basically spew word vomit. “That oughta be fun,” the guy next to Luca chuckled. The blonde just rolled his eyes and elbowed him harshly. “You gonna go up there?” Another guy asked. [color=E07A14]“Naw, I don’t really feel like making a fool out of myself today,”[/color]