[@Sovay][@KatherinWinter] *Being bumped into, James stumbled just a bit at first. But quickly getting his footing back and makes sure Katherin was alright. The little voice in his head speaking up* [b]"Who was that?"[/b] *Unsure himself, James would turn his head to look at the girl and let Neric see for himself even. Smiling at her, he doesn't think she purposely ment to bump into him. So he would try to be polite about the situation* "No harm done, I think, no worries. This is Katherin and I'm James. And you are?" [b]"We didn't see her around the orphanage, she new? Unless she hid there the whole time."[/b] *Neric would say about the situation. But James just shrugs it off for now, if he tried talking to him now. He would look like a weirdo to the both of them, and the situation would become very awkward* *Turning his attention back to Katherin as he looks at the shelf, he didn't wanna ignore either of the two here. But he did wanna help Katherin, and she may need the help. Looking back at the girl as he looks at the shelf* "Sorry let me just look real fast, I saw it here..." *Him taking a moment before pull in it off the shelf* "Got it, want just one or both? There are only two left." *Looking at Katherin for her answer and then to the girl after his question*