Unfinished [hider=Poltergeist] [center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/773b/f/2012/219/7/4/moon_knight_redux_alt_color_by_133art-d5a63ag.jpg[/img] Name: Nicholas 'Nick' Engstler Alias: Poltergeist II Age: 25 Powers: Nick has no real powers, but his right arm can be considered to have some super strength as it is robotic. Skills: Nick is highly trained in boxing, jeet kune do and krav maga. He has some training in other styles but prefers these 3 to the rest. He is also quite apt at swordplay, and is able to use his sword, sheathed or not offensively to a high degree. Athletically he could rival a trained sprinter and gymnast. His strength is up there, but it's not really comparable to that of anyone who solely trains strength. He prefers to use his speed and agility over his strength. He has a doctorate in medicine, and experience in surgery. Nick can also speak both English and German fluently and makes one hell of a burger with the right ingredients. Equipment: Nick's costume is an improved version of the original Poltergeist's costume. The armoured parts are made from a mix of very tough plastic and the material used to make bulletproof vests. The armour around his wrists is reinforced a lot more than anywhere else, and could theoretically stop a shotgun shot at medium range. His mask is made from a strong fibreglass like material, that enshrouds his face in darkness from the outside, but allows him to see clearly from inside the mask. His goggles, which are simply used for night vision can be seen through the mask if he turns them on. The Poltergeist sword is largely unaltered, it is simply a long thin blade kept on his back. What has changed is the handle and the sheath. He by and large only uses the sword as a blunt staff-like weapon rather than a slashing one. It has a taser at the end which is activated through a button on the handle. Weaknesses: His main weakness are the gaps in his armour. If a bullet were to hit his arm, leg or god forbid his tender area then it would most likely disable that part of his body. Furthermore, he's still quite new to the superhero business, and Gotham itself so he hasn't quite learned to keep eyes on the back of his head. Alignment: Hero Personality: Stubborn, Loyal, Honour-bound, Trustworthy, Foolhardy Appearance: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/71440b2ddf1cd0a3c14643e61888cfc8/tumblr_mxdevqUHpr1qg4blro1_1280.jpg]Face[/url] BRIEF Bio: Storylines: What do you have in mind for your character? -Having his golden age view on heroics questioned - Notes: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWSz_PAfgNc]Theme[/url] [/center] [/hider]