So I know I said everyone would get a hat, but much like my parents when I brought home my future wife for dinner, I must disappoint you all. Turns out that newspaper hats with freakishly large newspapers like the ones our city has makes newspaper hats a pain in the ass to make and by the time I managed to make one that wasn't a shitshow...I was out of newspaper.'s big enough for everyone to party under so it can be like...the community hat? [img][/img] Here you can see my terrible photo taking ability and a little note saying hello. Mio is there for reasons of scale and also because I was gonna put hats on things. [img][/img] Mio sure does love her freakish huge hat [img][/img] Milla sees the hat and wants to hang out too the scamp [img][/img] But here comes this Mario figure I painted when I was younger to crash the Hat Party [img][/img] Everyone's having fun under the Community Hat! [img][/img] And here's a bonus shot of a birdhouse I made as a kid to show that arts and crafts were never my strong suite! And that's the story of how I couldn't make a paper hat! [@hayley][@Fubsy][@Rica][@Meiyuki][@RomanAria]